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Jinan Sky-worth Pharmaceutical Group
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    Granisetron HCl CAS: 107007-99-8 GMP

    Granisetron HCl CAS: 107007-99-8 GMP

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    Specification :

    Granisetron HCl CAS: 107007-99-8 GMP
    Molecular formula: C18H24N4O.HCl; C18H25ClN4O molecular weight: 348.87
    Description: This is the anti-tumor adjuvant drugs, primarily for the treatment of radiation therapy, cytotoxic chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.
    Pharmacological effects: a highly selective 5 - hydroxytryptamine 3 ( 5-HT3) receptorantagonist, due to radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery-induced nausea and vomitingwith good prevention and treatment. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery, and other factors can cause the release of enterochromaffin cell 5-HT , 5-HT can activate the vagusnerve endings in the central or the 5-HT3 receptors and cause vomiting reflex. The productcontrol nausea and vomiting mechanism is by blocking the central area and peripheralchemosensory nerve endings of the vagus 5-HT3 receptor, inhibition of nausea andvomiting. This product is of high selectivity, no extrapyramidal reactions, excessivesedation and other adverse reactions.
    Physical Properties: white or almost white powder. This product is soluble in water, slightlysoluble in dichloromethane, slightly soluble in methanol.

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