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Water Quality Meters

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  • HORIBA U-52 ( 10 Meter) Multi Parameter Water Quality Meter

    HORIBA U-52 ( 10....


    * Measure and display up to 11 parameters simultaneously
    * Auto-calibration feature simplifies calibration of pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, turbidity, and depth.
    * Rugged....

  • HANNA HI 9828 with 4 Meter Cable Multiparameter Water Quality Meter

    HANNA HI 9828 with 4....


    The HI 98280 multiparameter meter with GPS receiver monitors up to 13 different water quality parameters ( 6 measured, 7 calculated) . Measurements include pH, pH/ mV, ORP, % ....

  • TOA DKK Water Quality Checker 22A Portable Meter

    TOA DKK Water....


    Digital LCD display, dry battery operated ( AC adapter in option)
    pH : 0 to 14 Â ± 0.1/ 0.01pH, glass electrode method
    DO : 0 to 20mg/ L Â ± 0.1/ 0.01mg, diaphragm galvani cell....

  • TOA DKK MM 60R Multiparameter Water Quality Meter

    TOA DKK MM 60R....


    The new R series meters are designed for high performance with easy operation. The MM-60R combines years of instrument development, exclusive sensor technology, along with....

  • YSI 556 Multi-Probe System Water Quality Meter

    YSI 556 Multi-Probe....


    The YSI 556 simultaneously measures dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, temperature, and ORP. Rugged, reliable and waterproof, the YSI 556 MPS ( Multi-Probe System) combines the....

  • YSI Professional Series Professional Plus Instrument

    YSI Professional....


    Offering the ultimate in versatility, the Professional Plus can accommodate any cable and corresponding probe combination. Just select the cable length and appropriate probe or....

  • YSI 85 Salinity,  Conductivity,  Dissolved Oxygen & Temperature

    YSI 85 Salinity, ....


    Determines salinity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and temperature! The YSIÂ ® 85 is a rugged, microprocessor-based, hand-held digital meter with an attached YSI combination....

  • YSI Castaway CTD Multiparameter

    YSI Castaway CTD....


    A hand deployable conductivity, temperature, and depth instrument for hydrologic profiling. An integrated LCD screen displays an intuitive user interface for deployment and....

  • TOA DKK Water Quality Checker WQC 24 Multiparameter

    TOA DKK Water....


    Multi-parameter water quality meter for field use ( for lakes, rivers, dams, underground water, agriculture, fish farming, etc.) Measurements up to max. 11 simultaneous parameters....

  • MIR Spirolab III Diagnostic Spirometer with Oximetry

    MIR Spirolab III....


    FVC, VC with breathing pattern plus MVV tests with real time curves
    - High resolution colour screen
    - Fast but silent thermal printer
    - Digital turbine flow meter with....

  • WTW Multiline 3430 Water Quality Meter

    WTW Multiline 3430....


    Rugged WTW MultiLine meters are available as single-, dual-, or three-channel instruments for pH, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen measurement. Single-channel Multi 3410....

  • HACH sensION 378 ( 54750-20) Laboratory pH/ Conductivity/ Dissolved Oxygen

    HACH sensION 378 ( ....


    The Hach sensION378 has the capability to easily measure pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, TDS, salinity, and temperature. Featuring a quick response and intuitive user....

  • HANNA HI-991301 Waterproof pH/ EC/ TDS/ Temperature Meter ( High Range EC)

    HANNA HI-991301....


    The Hanna Instruments HI 991300N and HI 991301N multiparameter water quality meter measures pH, electro-conductivity, total dissolved solids, and temperature in a single....

  • EUTECH PCD 650 Multiparameter pH / mV / Ion / Conductivity / TDS / Salinity / DO / ° C / ° F

    EUTECH PCD 650....


    pH Range: -2.000 to 20.000 pH
    Resolution & Accuracy 0.1/ 0.01/ 0.001 pH & Â ± 0.002 pH
    No. of pH Calibration Points 1 ( Offset) to 6 points
    pH Buffer Options USA, NIST, DIN, PWB....

  • HACH HQ40d 5300000 Dual Input Multi Parameter

    HACH HQ40d 5300000....


    HACH, HQ40d Dual-Input Multi-Parameter Digital Meter ( pH, Conductivity, LDO)
    cat. HQ40D53000000
    The HQ40d Digital Multi-Parameter Meter offers true Plug and Play operation....

  • HORIBA W-22XD With 10 Meter Multiparameter Water Quality System

    HORIBA W-22XD With....


    Horibaâ s W-20XD series water quality monitoring system features advanced high-precision sensors which are ideal for use in pressurized conditions. W-20XD supports simultaneous....

  • HORIBA W-23XD With 10 Meter Multiparameter Water Quality System

    HORIBA W-23XD With....


    Horibaâ s W-20XD series water quality monitoring system features advanced high-precision sensors which are ideal for use in pressurized conditions. W-20XD supports simultaneous....

  • HORIBA U-10 Multiparameter Water Quality Meter w/ 2M Cable

    HORIBA U-10....


    The Horiba U-10 water quality checker brings laboratory accuracy and the ease of push-button operation to water quality measurement in the field. The U-10 is ideal for checking....

  • OAKTON PC 2700 meter with pH electrode,  conductivity/ temp

    OAKTON PC 2700 meter....


    Oakton PC 2700 meter with pH electrode, conductivity/ temp probe, electrode stand, and software.

    The PC 2700 meter offers a new compact design that is over 40% smaller than....

  • YSI Pro2030 Dual Dissolved Oxygen/ Conductivity Instrument

    YSI Pro2030 Dual....


    Measure dissolved oxygen ( using either the galvanic or polarographic probe) and conductivity ( using the probe built-in with the cable) with the Pro2030 and the cable length of....

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