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Insulation Testers

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  • YOKOGAWA MY 10 Insulation Tester

    YOKOGAWA MY 10....


    Single rating, Analog type, 5 models
    Rating: 125V/ 200MO, 250V/ 200MO, 500V/ 2000MO, 500V/ 1000MO, 1000V/ 2000MO
    Features: Automatic discharge function, AC Voltage measurement, ....

  • YOKOGAWA MY 40 Insulation Tester

    YOKOGAWA MY 40....


    Model: MY40-01, Digital 250V/ 250 Megohm 500V/ 2000 Megohm 1000V/ 2000 Megohm w/ case

    Digital Model with 4 voltage/ resistance ratings
    Multifunction, Insulation....

  • EXTECH 380366 Insulation Tester And Datalogger

    EXTECH 380366....


    The 380366 measures insulation resistance to 4000M . and includes Continuity and Voltage tests. The built-in datalogger remotely stores approx. 16, 000 readings for later transfer....

  • DRANEST III+ H Automated Electrical Safety Tester

    DRANEST III+ H....


    Test Current + / -200mA DC or 10A AC
    High Voltage up to 4 kV DC
    Memory for 125 Tests
    Test Procedures IEC 61010, 60335, 60950, IEC 62353
    Adapter Set for....

  • DRANEST III+ M Automated Electrical Safety Tester

    DRANEST III+ M....


    Test Current + / -200mA DC or 10A AC
    10+ 2 Patient Ports IEC60601
    Memory for 125 Tests
    Test Procedures IEC 61010, 60335, 60950, IEC 62353, IEC 60601
    Adapter Set....

  • DRANEST III+ MH Automated Electrical Safety Tester



    Test Current + / -200mA DC or 25A AC
    High Voltage up to 4 kV DC
    10+ 2 Patient Ports IEC60601
    Memory for 125 Tests
    Test Procedures IEC 61010, 60335, 60950, IEC....

  • FLUKE 1550C Insulation Resistance Testers up to 5kV

    FLUKE 1550C....


    The redesigned Fluke 1550C insulation resistance testers offer digital insulation testing up to 10kV, making them ideal for testing a wide range of high voltage equipment....

  • FLUKE 1555 Insulation Resistance Testers up to 10kV

    FLUKE 1555....


    The new Fluke 1555 insulation resistance tester offers digital insulation testing up to 10kV, making it ideal for testing a wide range of high voltage equipment including....

  • FLUKE 1555/ KIT Insulation Resistance Testers up to 10kV

    FLUKE 1555/ KIT....


    Digital Insulation Testing to 10 kV
    The new Fluke 1555 insulation resistance tester offers digital insulation testing up to 10kV, making it ideal for testing a wide range of high....

  • AMPROBE AMC 4 Hand Cranked Megohmmeter

    AMPROBE AMC 4 Hand....


    Amprobe AMC-4 light and smooth operating crank with a spring loaded terminal connection. Have the option to test insulation resistance with 500V DC or 1000V DC.


  • AMPROBE AMB 45 Digital Megohmmeter Insulation Resistance Tester

    AMPROBE AMB 45....


    The Amprobe AMB-45 insulation resistance tester tests the insulation of wires, cables, transformers and electrical motors. With selectable test voltages up to 1000 V and a rugged, ....

  • KYORITSU KEW 3021 Insulation/ Continuity Tester

    KYORITSU KEW 3021....


    Three functions in one unit: continuity test, insulation tests with four voltage ranges, and AC voltage measurement.

    Zero adjustment at insulation measuring range

  • MEGGER 61-792 Megger Insulation Testers

    MEGGER 61-792 Megger....


    Ideal Industries Megger model 61-792 is an insulation resistance tester. This digital megohmmeter provides a stress test up to 1000V, see other features.


  • MEGGER MIT 520/ 2 Insulation Resistance Tester

    MEGGER MIT 520/ 2....


    The Megger MIT520 insulation resistance tester os designed specifically to assist the user with the testing and maintenance of high voltage equipment. The instrument has a maximum....

  • MEGGER MIT 1020/ 2 Insulation Resistance Tester - 10-kV

    MEGGER MIT 1020/ 2....


    This Megger MIT1020/ 2 insulation resistance tester affords the highest level of quality testing along with prime safety, convenience and portability. The tester measures to 35....

  • MEGGER MIT 410 Insulation and Continuity Tester

    MEGGER MIT 410....


    The Megger MIT410 insulation resistance and continuity tester incorporates all the features required for electricians, technicians and engineers working in a range of industries....

  • MEGGER MIT 430 Insulation and Continuity Tester

    MEGGER MIT 430....


    The Megger MIT400 series insulation and continuity testers have been designed for electrical testing by power utilities, industrials, telecommunication companies, commercial/ ....

  • MEGGER MIT 485 Insulation and Continuity Tester

    MEGGER MIT 485....


    The Megger MIT400 series insulation and continuity testers have been designed for electrical testing by power utilities, industrials, telecommunication companies, commercial/ ....

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