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Force Gauges

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  • SHIMPO FGV 1000HX Cap 500kg Force Gauge

    SHIMPO FGV 1000HX....


    The microprocessor-controlled, digital FGV-HX and FGE-HX series offers the same user-friendly features of our popular FGV-X and FGE-X series, but in an extremely heavy-duty case, ....

  • SHIMPO FGE 200HX Cap. 100kg Force Gauge

    SHIMPO FGE 200HX Cap....


    The microprocessor-controlled, digital FGV-HX and FGE-HX series offers the same user-friendly features of our popular FGV-X and FGE-X series, but in an extremely heavy-duty case, ....

  • SHIMPO FGV 200XY DART Force Gauge

    SHIMPO FGV 200XY....


    The all NEW DART 2.0: FGV-XY series gauges from SHIMPO combine the extensive features of the SHIMPO DFS series with the rugged, ergonomic and compact design of the original DART....

  • SHIMPO DFS 100 Cap. 50kg Sophisicated Force Gauge

    SHIMPO DFS 100 Cap.....


    Microprocessor-controlled, the DFS series represents a unique approach to force testing. Designed to be handheld or stand mounted, the DFS features many advanced functions....

  • SHIPO DFS 50R Cap. 20kg Sophisicated Force Gauge

    SHIPO DFS 50R Cap.....


    Microprocessor-controlled, the DFS series represents a unique approach to force testing. Designed to be handheld or stand mounted, the DFS features many advanced functions....

  • SHIMPO FGE 50X Cap. 20kg Dart Force Gauge

    SHIMPO FGE 50X Cap.....


    Our workhorse gauge just got better! Faster, smarter, easier to use!
    The 1000 series, with its fast 1000 Hz update rate, is able to capture the highest force peaks. With....

  • EXTECH 475055 High Capacity Force Gauge with PC Interface

    EXTECH 475055 High....


    220lbs ( 100kg) , Tension and Compression


    0.05 to 100kg
    0.05 to 220lbs
    0.2 to 980 Newton
    Basic accuracy 0.5%
    Tension or Compression, Peak hold and....

  • EXTECH 475040 Digital Force Gauge

    EXTECH 475040....



    5 digit 0.4" ( 10mm) LCD with reversible display feature to match viewing angle
    Exclusive load cell measurement transducer
    Overrange, low battery, and advanced....

  • REED FS 1001 Force Gauge Test Stand

    REED FS 1001 Force....


    Used in conjunction with a Force Gauge ( sold seperately) , the test stand permits precise and repetitive tension and compression testing.

    May be connected to FG-20K

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