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Media Surveying : : : GPS Garmin - GPS Trimble - GPS Magellan - Digital Theodolite Nikon - Total Station Topcon - Auto Level - Automatic Level Sokkia - Kompas Suunto - Kompas Brunton - Distometer - Ber Test - Handy Talky Motorola
Media Surveying : : : GPS Garmin - GPS Trimble - GPS Magellan - Digital Theodolite Nikon - Total Station Topcon - Auto Level - Automatic Level Sokkia - Kompas Suunto - Kompas Brunton - Distometer - Ber Test - Handy Talky Motorola
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Free Member
Registration Date:
May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:
Feb. 1, 2012
Business Nature:
Trade of Industrial Supplies category
Company Brief
Auto Seller Surveying tools, GPS, Communications market: Total Station, Digital Theodolite, Automatic Level, GPS Geodetic, GPS GARMIN, GPS MAGELLAN, GPS TRIMBLE, Handy Talky, Repeater, Radio RIG, BTS Master, Power Meter, E1 Tester.
The survey is an accurate technique and science of determining land or three-dimensional space position of points and the distance and angle between them. These points are usually, but not Exclusively, this point is usually, but not exclusively, associated with positions on the surface of the earth, and is often used to establish land maps and boundaries for ownership or governmental purposes. In order to accomplish their objective, surveyors use elements of geometry, engineering, trigonometry, mathematics, physics, and law.

Surveying the media is shopping facilities, we also Online Store for you who need a tool and Telecommunications Equipment Survey Like: Digital Theodolite, Total Station, Automatic Level, Kompas Suunto, Ber Test, Waterpass, Garmin GPS, GPS Trimble, GPS Magellan and Equipment Survey other.

Our Main Product Catalog:

Equipment Survey
* TOTAL STATION: Total Station Topcon GTS-105N, Total Station Topcon GTS-233N, Total Station Topcon GTS-235N, Total Station Topcon GTS-236N, Total Station Topcon GTS-239N, Total Station Topcon GTS-751, Total Station Topcon GTS -752, Total Station Topcon GTS-753, Total Station Topcon GTS-755, Total Station Topcon GPT-3002LN, Total Station Topcon GPT-3003LN, Total Station Topcon GPT-3005LN, Total Station Topcon GPT-3007LN, Total Station Topcon GPT - 3102N, Total Station Topcon GPT-3103N, Total Station Topcon GPT-3105N, Total Station Topcon GPT-3107N, Total Station Topcon GPT-7501, Total Station Topcon GPT-7502, Total Station Topcon GPT-7503, Total Station Topcon GPT-7505 , Nikon Total Station DTM-522, Nikon Total Station DTM-532, Nikon Total Station DTM-352, Nikon Total Station DTM-362, Sokkia Total Station Set-210, Sokkia Total Station Set-310, Sokkia Total Station Set-510, Sokkia Total Station Set-610, Total Station Horizon HTS-352, Total Station Horizon HTS-355, Total Station Horizon HTS-322, Total Station Horizon HTS-325, South NTS 325 Total Station South NTS 327 Total Station South Total Station NTS 350, Totsl Station South NTS 355, South NTS 357 Total Station, Reflectorless South NTS 352R Total Station, Reflectorless South NTS 355R Total Station, South Reflectorless Total Station NTS 355SR
* Digital Theodolite: Digital Theodolite Nikon NE-100, Digital Theodolite Nikon NE-101, Digital Theodolite Nikon NE-102, Digital Theodolite Nikon NE-103, Digital Theodolite Topcon DT-202L, - Digital Theodolite Topcon DT-205L, Digital Theodolite Topcon DT-207L, Digital Theodolite Topcon DT-209L, Digital Theodolite Horizon ET-1002, Digital Theodolite Horizon ET-1005, Digital Theodolite Sokkia DT-510, Digital Theodolite Sokkia DT-610, Digital Theodolite South ET-02, Digital Theodolite South ET -02L, Digital Theodolite South ET-05, Digital Theodolite South ET-05L, Digital Theodolite South ET-20, Digital Theodolite South ET-20L
ATOMATIC LEVEL: Automatic Level Topcon AT-G 1, Automatic Level Topcon AT-G 2, Automatic Level Topcon AT-G 3, Automatic Level Topcon AT-G 4, Automatic Level Topcon AT-G 6, Automatic Level Nikon AP-8, Automatic Level Nikon AC-2S, Nikon AX2S Automatic Level, Automatic Level Sokkia B1, B20 Automatic Level Sokkia, Sokkia C330 Automatic Level
Compass: Suunto, Bronton, Lensatic Compass
Measuring instrument: Leica Disto, Tajima Sland
Binoculars: Nikon, Bushnell, Steiner

Epoch 10 L1 GPS System Spectra Precision  ® GPS technology, GPS Epoch - Epoch 25, EPOCH GPS / GNSS Receiver - EPOCH 35, INTEGRATED STAR S82 RTK GPS, RTK GPS Geodetic S 82, MAGELLAN Promark 3, MobileMapper 6 GPS Trimle Geo Exploler XH, Z-MAX - THALES, geoxt Handheld, Handheld GeoXM, GPS 60i, Garmin GPSMAP 60 Csx, GPSMAP 76, GPSMAP 76 CSx, Garmin GPS eTrex Hi, GPS eTrex Vista, VSTA Cx, eTrex Venture Cx, eTrex Vusta HCx, GPS Nuvi 200i, GPS Nuvi 200w, Rino 530 GPS, GPS + PDA Ique M5, GPSMAP 96 C, GPSMAP 276 C, GPSMAP 296, Garmin GPS Nuvi 200 and Nuvi 710 GPS. Garmin GPS 10x Bluetooth - 152i GPS - GPSMAP 178C Sounder - GPSMAP 298C Sounder - GPS Fisfinder 160C - 400C, Nuvi 200, Nuvi 200i, 200Wi, 205Wi, 710, 710i, GPS Magellan Triton 400, GPS Magellan Triton 500, Magellan Triton 1500 GPS GPS Magellan Triton 2000

Communication Equipment
RIG Motorola GM 3188, RIG Motorola GM 338, RIG Motorola GM 3688, IC2200H RIG ICOM IC-706MKIIG, RIG ICOM IC-703 Plus, RIG ICOM IC-7000, RIG ICOM IC-718 HF All Band Transceiver, Icom IC RIG -910H, RIG ICOM ID-800H, Yaesu FT RIG-1802, Alinco DR 135T RIG, RIG Alinco DR 135, Alinco DR 635 RIG, RIG Alinco DR-435T, REPEATER MOTOROLA CDR 700, REPEATER MOTOROLA CDR 500, GR 500 MOTOROLA REPEATER

Tools Telecommunikasi
Handphone Satellite : ERICSSON R190
Bertest: Sunlite
Site Master: Anritsu
Power Meter: Bird

Geologi c tool
Geologic hammer: Eastwing
Compass: DQL

Technical Drawing
- NC-Sriber
- Placom

garmin for Handheld:
Hi etrex gps, gps 60i, gps etrex Summit HC, GPS eTrex Vista HCx, gpsmap 60 csx, gpsmap 76 csx, gps Rino 530 HCx, gps colorado 300i.

Garmin Promo Edition:
garmin gpsmap 60csx, garmin gpsmap 76csx, garmin gpsetrex Vista HCX, Garmin Nuvi 200 & 200i, Nuvi 205 & 205I, & 205Wi Nuvi 205W, Nuvi 710 & 710i
Free: Micro SD 1 GB, Peta JAVA-BALI, Services between ( Jakarta) .

garmin for Automotive:
gpsmap 276 c, gps Nuvi 200i, gps nuvi 200w, nuvi 710 gps

garmin for marine:
gpsmap 276c, GPSMAP 178C sounder, gps 152i, 160 ci fishfinder, fishfinder 400 c, 76csx

garmin for aviation and others:
gpsmap 96C, 296C gpsmap, gps 10 x blue tooth, gps 18 Deluxe

Sell Accesories:
Handlebar mount ( etrex series, 60 csx, 76 csx) , Carrying case, data cable RS-232 ( etrex Series, 60 csx, 76 csx) , power cable ( 60 csx, 76 csx) , chigarette lighter + Kabel data ( etrex series , 60 csx, 76 csx) , auto mount ( Etrex Series, 60 csx, 76 csx) , tripwaypoint manager cd, cd BlueChart ( marine maps) , City navigator Indonesia ( digital map) , Memory Data Card 32 MB, Memory Data Card 64 MB, Memory Data Card 128 MB, Memory Data Card 256 MB, Antena GA-25 BNC, Antena GA-25 MCX, Antena GA-26, Antena GA-27, Antena GA-29, Antenna Starnav.

Trimble Juno ST, Trimble geoxt, Trimble GeoXH, GeoXM, Thales Promark 3, GPS Thales mobile mapper. Triton 200, Triton 300, Triton 400, Triton 500, Triton 1500, Triton 2000

Sell GPS Geodetic ( geodetic) :
South GPS star S82, GPS South 9600, Spectra EPOCH 10 L1 GPS system, Trimble GPS 5700, Trimble R8-GNSS.

HANDY TALKY MOTOROLA GP-2500, Handy Talky YAESU VX 150, Handy Talky YAESU VX 7R, Handy Talky Motorola GP-308, HT Motorola GP 2000, Handy talky Motorola T5420, HT Motorola GP-328, HT MOTOROLA GP 3188, Handy Talky / HT Icom IC-V8-15, HT ALINCO DJ-196 DJ-195, WeierWei V8, Handy Talky YAESU VX 6R, HT MOTOROLA GP 338, Handy Talky WeierWei VEV-338, Weierwei VEV-3188S

Jual GPS Magellan:
GPS Magellan Triton 200, GPS Magellan Triton 300, GPS Magellan Triton 400, GPS Magellan Triton 500, GPS Magelan Triton 2000, Triton 1500 GPS Magelan

Sell total station:
total station nikon dtm-352, total station nikon dtm-362, total station nikon dtm-532, total station nikon dtm-632, total station nikon dtm-652, total station sokkia set-310, total station sokkia set-510, total station set-610, total station topcon gts 233N, total station topcon gts 235N, total station topcon gts 236n, total station topcon gts 239, Total Station HTS horizon 352, horizon 355 total station, total station south.

Sell digital theodolite:
digital theodolite nikon ne 100, Digital Theodolite nikon ne 101, Digital Theodolite nikon ne 102, Digital Theodolite nikon ne 103, digital theodolite sokkia dt 210, digital theodolite sokkia dt 510, digital theodolite sokkia dt 610, digital theodolite topcon dt 202L, digital theodolite topcon dt 205L, digital theodolite topcon dt 207L, digital theodolite topcon dt 209L, digital theodolite horizon et 1002, digital theodolite horizon et 1005, Digital Theodolite South et 02.

Offers automatic level waterpass:
automatic level / waterpass nikon ac-2s, automatic level / waterpass nikon ax-2s, automatic level / waterpass nikon as-2c, automatic level / waterpass nikon ap-8, automatic level / waterpass nikon ap-7, automatic level sokkia waterpass b1c, automatic level sokkia waterpass B20, automatic level sokkia b21 waterpass, automatic level sokkia waterpass C320, automatic level sokkia waterpass C330, automatic level topcon ATG waterpass 1, automatic level / 3 ATG waterpass topcon, automatic level waterpass topcon ATG 4, automatic level waterpass topcon ATG 6, automatic level waterpass 2028 horizon, automatic level waterpass 3032 horizon, automatic level waterpass horizon 4032.

Other: Distometer Leica a3, Distometer Leica a5, Distometer Leica a6, Distometer Leica a8, Estwing E322P ( sharp geological hammer) , Estwing e320blc ( geology hammer and flat) , Suunto compass kb-14, Kompas Suunto kb-20, altimeter E-203 , Clinometer PM-5, Suunto tandem, brunton compass 5006, Kompas Brunton 5008, Brunton Compass 5010, Binoculars / Nikon 7x50 binoculars cfwp / with compass, Binoculars Hunter 10x60, Loupe rouper 10x20, Eart Grounding tester, Planimeter, Magnetic pen / Scriber.

We accept payment method 2 Transfer or Cash On Delivery

Transfer Payments
Goods will be sent after we receive the transfer. If you want goods sent immediately without waiting for the bank transfer process, please fax proof of your transfer to us at 021-7341681 or email the sales consultant who served, in order to help accelerate the delivery of goods

Bank Mandiri
No.Rek: 1310010058958
A / n: Rian Hadianto

Bank BCA
No.Rek: 5470-3571-44

Payment COD
You simply pay when the goods reached the destination / place you.

Payments are transferred to the accounts

Cash On Delivery
Special nTo Jabotabek area we also serve purchases Cash On Delivery. Goods you receive, the new paid.


Regional Services
We serve orders from all over Indonesia. Shipping cost vary depending on destination. Please message the product and then do a confirmation via email / tel / chat online.

Shipping costs depend on your area and service delivery is used.

Actual shipping costs will confirm to you via email / tel / chat online. Our delivery service to areas outside DKI Jakarta using the Quick Titipan TIKI, you can check the fare on kirimnya or other delivery services at your request.

Shipping express ( same day) for the area served JABODETABEK purchase confirmation before 12: 00 pm Call us at 021 7340749. Because of schedule constraints, not all can express our delivery service.

Product Home What We Sell:
* Garmin GPS ( Handheld) Types of Garmin GPS are available as follows: GPS 60i, Garmin GPSMAP 60 Csx, GPSMAP 76, GPSMAP 76 CSx, Garmin GPS eTrex Hi, GPS eTrex Vista, VSTA Cx, eTrex Venture Cx, eTrex HCx Vusta , GPS Nuvi 200i, GPS Nuvi 200w, Rino 530 GPS, PDA GPS Ique M5, GPSMAP 96 C, GPSMAP 276 C, GPSMAP 296, Garmin GPS Nuvi 200 and Nuvi 710 GPS. Garmin Bluetooth GPS 10x - 152i GPS - GPSMAP 178C Sounder - GPSMAP 298C Sounder. Communication Tools: Handy Talky ( HT) Icom IC-V8, HT Motorola GP-2000, HT Motorola GP-3188, HT Motorola GP-338, HT Motorola GP-328, Alinco DJ-195 / 196, * Garmin GPS ( Fish Finder ) Fish Finder 160 Ci - Fish Finder 400 C Garmin GPS ( Aksesoriss) eTrex Handlebar Mount - Handlebar Global - Handlebar mounted 60 - Handlebar mounted 76 - Data Cable 12 / 60 / 76 - eTrex data cable - Data cable lighter cirgarete eTrex - Cable lighter cirgarete data 12 / 60 / 76 - Automount eTrex Automount 12 - Automount 60 - Automount 76 - Marine mount 60 - 76 Marine mount - Antenna GA-25 BNC - Antenna GA-25 MCX - GA-26 Antenna - Antenna GA-27 -- GA-29 Antenna - Antenna Starnav * Digital Theodolite Topcon Digital Theodolite DT-202L - Digital Theodolite Topcon DT-205L-Topcon Digital Theodolite DT-207L - Digital Theodolite Topcon DT-209L - Nikon Digital Theodolite NE-101 - Nikon Digital Theodolite NE - 102 - Sokkia Digital Theodolite DT-210 - Sokkia Digital Theodolite DT-510 - Digital Theodolite Sokkia DT-510A - Digital Theodolite Sokkia DT-610 - Digital Theodolite Horizon ET-1002 - Horizon Digital Theodolite ET-1005 * Total Station Topcon Total Station GTS -233N - Topcon Total Station GTS-235N - Topcon Total Station GTS-236N - Topcon Total Station GTS-239N - Topcon Total Station GTS-105N - Nikon Total Station DTM-522 - Nikon Total Station DTM-532 - Nikon Total Station DTM - 352 - Nikon Total Station DTM-362 - Sokkia Total Station Set-210 - Sokkia Total Station Set-310 - Sokkia Total Station Set-510 - Sokkia Total Station Set-610 - Total Station Horizon HTS-352 - Total Station Horizon HTS-355 - Total Station Horizon HTS-322 - Total Station Horizon HTS-325 * Automatic Level Automatic Level Topcon ATG-1 - Automatic Level Topcon ATG-3 - Automatic Level Topcon ATG-4 - Automatic Level Topcon ATG-6 - Nikon Automatic Level AP - 8 - Automatic Level Nikon AC-2S - Nikon Automatic Level AX-2S - Automatic LevelSokkia Sokkia C320 Automatic Level - B1 - Sokkia B20 Automatic Level - Sokkia C330 Automatic Level - Automatic Level Horizon 2024 - Horizon Automatic Level 2028 - Horizon Automatic Level 2032 -- Horizon Automatic Level 4032 * Compass Suunto KB-14 / 360R, Kompas Suunto KB-20 / 360R, Suunto Tandem 360PC / 360R - Suunto PM5 Clinometer / 360PC, Suunto Altimeter E-203. * Software & External Memory CD Trip & Waypoint Manager - CD WorldMAP - CD BlueChart - Garmin Datacard - MicroSD Card - Indonesia Map Auto Routing * Surveying & Measuring Instrument Thales Maper, Promark III, Palu eastwing, Loupe Rouper - Leica Distometer A3, A5, A6, A8, Measuring Wheel - Sokkia Digital Planimeter, Anemometer, Measuring Tape, Rain Gage. * Brunton Compass Brunton 5008 Kompas, Kompas Brunton 5006 Kompas Brunton 5010.
Major Products / Services
Seller :
  • Media Surveying
    Media Surveying Adalah sarana untuk anda berbelanja, kami akan senantiasa membantu anda untuk mendapatkan beraneka ragam alat survey, GPS, Alat Komunikasi. Kami selalu siap memenuhi permintaan pelanggan tentu dengan harga yang bersaing dengan pasaran.
  • GPS
    Kami menyediaka berbagai macam GPS yang beraneka ragam dan type.
    GPS yang kami tawarkan adalah sebagai berikut:
    *GPS automotive
    *GPS Navigation
    *GPS Geodetic
    *GPS Tracking
    *GPS Sport