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SIEVE ANALYSIS - ASTM E11 - Gradation Test (Brass Sieve or Stainless Steel, 8 inch diameter ) Supplied without Sieve Shaker.
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SIEVE ANALYSIS - ASTM E11 - Gradation Test (Brass Sieve or Stainless Steel, 8 inch diameter ) Supplied without Sieve Shaker.
SIEVE ANALYSIS - ASTM E11 - Gradation Test (Analisis gradasi)
For determining grain size distribution of soil particles or sand/ gravel. Brass Sieve or Stainless Steel, 8 inch diameter, Supplied without Sieve Shaker.
Specification :
SIEVE 4"; mesh 101.6 mm opening
SIEVE 3 1/2"; mesh 88.9 mm opening
SIEVE 3"; mesh 76.2 mm opening
SIEVE 2 1/2"; mesh 62.5 mm opening
SIEVE 2"; mesh 50.8 mm opening
SIEVE 1 3/4"; mesh 44.4 mm opening
SIEVE 1 1/2"; mesh 38.1 mm opening
SIEVE 1 1/4"; mesh 31.7 mm opening
SIEVE 1"; mesh 25.4 mm opening
SIEVE 7/8"; mesh 22.2 mm opening
SIEVE 3/4"; SIEVE 1/2"; SIEVE 7/16"; SIEVE 3/8"; SIEVE 3/8"; SIEVE 1/4"; SIEVE # 4; SIEVE # 8; SIEVE # 10; SIEVE # 12; SIEVE # 16; SIEVE # 20; SIEVE # 30; SIEVE # 40;
SIEVE # 50; SIEVE # 60; SIEVE # 70; SIEVE # 80; SIEVE # 100; SIEVE # 200;
SIEVE # 200; PAN & COVER; Brass round 8 inch diameter, Receiver with Lid, Etc
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