Made with precision and HIGH QUALITY and one of the most important tools used to inspect gemstones and other jewelry. It have special lenses that allow our eyes to focus on an object at a much closer distance than is normally possible, making the object appear to be larger and revealing tiny details we couldn' t see with our normal vision. It is a must for a real close-up inspection of Gems, Diamonds, Minerals, or any other small intricate items. This HEAVY DUTY OPTICAL GLASS is equipped with 10x & 20x powerful magnifications and provides 2 diameter options, 18mm & 12mm with magnification that brings even the very smallest detail into sharp focus. MG-22181 gives you the closest look at tiny crystals, trace minerals, grain surfaces, and microfossils. It comes with a Cushioned Sturdy storage case for protection and ease of carrying anywhere.
Usage & Applications:
It can be used in a number of different industries, notably in jewelry trade, photography, printing, laboratories, etc. A handheld loupe is used ( 1) to magnify gemstones and other jewelry that they wish to inspect. A 10x magnification is good to use for inspecting jewelry and it is the standard instrument used to determine a diamond' s clarity grade in the gemological industry. While higher-power magnification can be used to examine the stone, inclusions ( internal flaws) and blemishes ( surface irregularities) are not factored into the stone' s final clarity grade if they are small enough to be undetectable when the stone is examined under 10x magnification; ( 2) for many soldering applications to inspect a printed circuit board with small surface components on it; ( 3) to carefully analyze how ink lays on paper while register film separations to one another; ( 4) to check registration of colors, estimate dot-gain, and diagnose issues with roller pressure and chemistry based on the shape of individual dots and rosettes; ( 5) to review, edit or analyze negatives and slides on a light table and for viewing the ground glass image to aid focussing.
One of our FINEST loupe, DURABLE & HIGH QUALITY hand held magnifying glass that have optical clarity for easy reading of fine print, stamps, jewelry and coins, for map reading, antiques, photos, or fine inspection and as an aid to collectors, scientists, hobbyists and much more.
Have our MG-22181, a lightweight, powerful magnifier that has impeccable optics where distortion & color problems are corrected and is easy to use. Get the best for demanding jobs like inspecting gems; in the field, for quick looks at minerals, circuit board films, photos, etc.
Buy Now!
* With 10x & 20x magnification
* With 2 diameter options, 18mm & 12mm
* Durable & built to last long, indeed a value for your money device
* Complete with FREE sturdy carrying case with cushioned compartments that fits the device perfectly, an added protection for the device.
* 2 Loupes in 1 Folding
* 10x magnification 18mm Diameter
* 20x magnification 12mm Diameter
* Length when completely Closed: 2 inches
Accessory included:
* Sturdy carrying case with cushioned compartments
Warranty: 2 years warranty
Shipping: USD 3.90
Payment can be made thru the ff:
* Paypal
* Western Union
* Money Transfer
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gary@ gainexpress.com
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