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Residential Pumps - Commercial Pumps - Industrial Pumps - Water Filters - Swimming Pool Products - Jacuzzi & Spa - Water Fountain Nozzles and Accessories - Architectural Fountain Design - Musical Fountain - Floating Fountain - Lab Instruments
Contact Information
Mr. Iwan Putra [Sales]
Phone Number:
Phone number of Mr. Iwan Putra at Jakarta Pusat
Fax Number:
Fax number of Mr. Iwan Putra at Jakarta Pusat
Kompleks Mega Glodok Kemayoran. Kanto Blok B-1. Jalan Angkasa Kavling B6. Kemayoran
Jakarta Pusat 10610, Jakarta
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Pompa air ESPA

Pompa air ESPASejak didirikan pada tahun 1962, Espa-Bombas Eléctricas, S.A. yang berpusat di Banyoles, Spanyol, mencurahkan segala perhatian pada desain, produksi dan distribusi pompa dan sistem air untuk digunakan pada keperluan domestik, pertanian dan industri. Lebih dari 40 tahun pengalaman inovasi dan jasa, menetapkan perusahaan ini menjadi dinamis di dalam mencari solusi umum dan spesifik untuk setiap produk pompa yang di mulai dari R&D serta inovasi. Semua itu menyebabkan ESPA masuk di antara produsen pompa air terbaik di seluruh dunia.

Pengunaan teknologi tinggi, bahan berkualitas tinggi, seperti stainless steel dan investasi berkesinambungan pada teknologi dan jaminan kualitas, kelangsungan produksi yang optimal dan garansi produk menyebabkan pompa air ESPA dapat memenuhi segala kebutuhan dunia pemompaan.

Pusat produksi pompa ESPA selain di negara Spanyol, juga terdapat di negara Perancis, Chile, dan Rumania. Espa Bombas Eléctricas S.A juga mempunyai anak perusahaan yang terdapat di negara Portugal, Perancis, Italia, Jerman, Inggris, Rumania, Meksiko, Chile, Argentina, China dan Lebanon.

PT Esparindo menjual pompa ESPA. Selain menjual kami juga menyediakan suku cadang (spare parts) pompa ESPA di Indonesia. Seperti yang diketahui pompa air ESPA termasuk salah satu dari pompa air terbaik di Indonesia.

Pompa air ESPA selain masih difabrikasi di Eropa, juga telah melalui tahapan quality control sebelum diekspor ke Indonesia.
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ESPA Basic Pool Pump
Quiet running single-stage centrifugal pump. Supplied with suction and discharge unions for 32 and 38 mm. diameter pipes

Total Head = 5.6 meter

Maximum Capacity = 7.2 m3/ ....
ESPA Silen Series
Quiet running single-stage centrifugal pumps, self-priming, complete with prefilter

Total Head up to 22 meter

Maximum Capacity up to 39 m3/ Hour

Pump body, pump foot, ....
ESPA Delta Series ( New)
Self-Priming Centrifugal Pump with Venturi up to 9 meter

Total Head Up to 50 meter

Maximum Capacity up to 3.3m3/ hour

Pump body in stainless steel AISI 304

Motor shaft....
ESPA Prisma Series
Quiet running horizontal multistage centrifugal pumps. Selfpriming to 2 m

Total Head Up to 62 meter

Maximum Capacity up to 15.9 m3/ Hour

Pump body and impellers in....
ESPA Aspri Series
Quiet running horizontal multistage centrifugal pumps. Built-in selfpriming valve, not very sensitive to the impurities. Self-priming up to 9 m

Total Head Up to 57 meter

ESPA Wiper Series
Quiet running single-stage centrifugal pumps for water recirculation with central suction

Total Head up to 15 meter

Maximum Capacity up to 38.4 m3/ Hour

Suction cover and....
ESPA Iris Series
Quiet running single-stage centrifugal pumps, self-priming, complete with prefilter

Total head up to 14 meter

Maximum Capacity up to 18 m3/ Hour

Pump body, pump foot and....
ESPA Tifon Series
Quiet running single-stage centrifugal pumps, self-priming, complete with prefilter

Total Head up to 22 meter

Maximum Capacity up to 39 m3/ Hour

Pump body, pump foot, ....
ESPA Nadorself Series
Single-stage centrifugal pumps that generate a strong stream of water and transform swimming-pools into places for sport and leisure. Self-priming up to 4 m.

Total Head up to....
ESPA Vigila Series
Portable submersible pumps for the drainage of water without solids in suspension

Total Head up to 13.5 meter

Maximum Capacity up to 17.1 m3/ Hour

Discharge cover, pump....
ESPA Drain Submersible Pump
Submersible pumps for the drainage of water without solids in suspension

Total Head = 9.5 meter

Maximum Capacity = 19.2 m3/ Hour

Discharge body and upper mounting in cast....
ESPA Acuaria Series
Submersible multi-stage pumps for open wells

Total Head up to 88 meter

Maximum Capacity up to 21.3 m3/ Hour

Part Hydraulic, outer casing, motor casing, impellers filter....
ESPA Tecno Series
Quiet running horizontal multistage centrifugal pumps

Total Head Up to 57 meter

Maximum Capacity up to 7.2 m3/ Hour

Pump body and impellers in stainless
steel AISI 304
ESPA Multi Series
Quiet running vertical multistage centrifugal pumps, supplied with flanges

Total Head Up to 138 meter

Maximum Capacity up to 18.9 m3/ Hour

Pump body and impellers in....
ESPA Press-Line VE Series
Quiet running vertical IN-LINE multi-stage centrifugal pumps. Pump motor coupling system V1 & V18

Pump shaft and impellers in stainless steel AISI 304

Pump body and....
ESPA Vigilex Series
Submersible pumps, Vortex system for sewage water

Total Head up to 11.6 meter

Maximum Capacity up to 19.2 m3/ Hour

Discharge cover, pump casing and motor casing in....
ESPA Drainex 100/ 150 Series
Submersible pumps, Vortex system for sewage water

Total Head up to 12.3 meter

Maximum Capacity up to 28.5 m3/ Hour

Discharge body and upper mounting in cast iron

ESPA Drainex 200 to 600 Series
Submersible mono block pumps with Vortex impeller for draining sediment-laden water, grey water, for working in septic tanks, water treatment facilities, apartment blocks, ....
ESPA Draincor Series
Submersible grinder pumps, for sewage water, with filaments

Total Head up to 22.5 meter

Maximum Capacity up to 17.7 m3/ Hour

Pump body, discharge body, suction body and....
ESPA Saturn Series
Submersible Multi-stage Centrifugal Pumps ( Deep-Well Pump) , radial series, with built-in check valve, for 4â ( 100 mm) and 6" ( 150 mm) wells

Total Head up to 305 meter

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