Pure Software Power Plant Simulator: Generation, Transformation, Transport, Distribution and Consumption, using just computers.[Nov. 30, 2008 20:37:24]
Integrated Software Simulator based on mathematical
models for basic systems. Generation, Transport,
Distribution and Consumption.
l.- Generation, simulates electrical energy produced by
nuclear, thermal and hydraulic power plants.
2.-Transport (Primary and Secondary Transport
Networks), high voltage lines and substations. The Simulator
studies the connection between Generation Power Plants
and the rest of distribution systems.
3.- Distribution (Third Distribution Network). It covers
networks from the secondary network to the final user.
Distribution can be done by different voltage levels (high,
middle and low), using aerial lines and cables.
4.- Consumption. The electrical energy is converted into
other energy forms:
- Mechanical: electrical motors.
- Light: lighting systems.
- Thermal: resistances, ovens, etc.
- Chemical: electrolysis, electrometallurgy, etc.
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