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Priority Member Indomonster Priority 14th Year
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When you think about industrial machinery...just think about CV. WORLD TECHNIQUE in Bandung City...!
Contact Information
Mr. Bpk. Eddy / Ibu Elly Rahadian [Owner/Entrepreneur]
Instant Messaging:
Windows Live: cv.worldtechnique@yahoo.com cv.worldtechnique@yahoo.com
Y!: cv.worldtechnique@yahoo.com 
Phone Number:
Phone number of Mr. Bpk. Eddy / Ibu Elly Rahadian at BANDUNG
Mobile Number:
Mobile number of Mr. Bpk. Eddy / Ibu Elly Rahadian at BANDUNG
Jalan Kawaluyaan Indah XV No. 16 - Komplek Kawaluyaan indah
BANDUNG 40286, Jawa Barat
Valid Address
PAKET PENGOLAHAN KARET MENTAH ( SIR) , Mesin pertambangan, MESIN BUBUT, MESIN CNC, EDM, Mesin Karet, Mesin Plastik, Mesin Grafir, Mesin Tekstil, Mesin Rajut, Ashalt Mixing Mill, PAKET Mesin Pengolahan limbah Kertas, Mesin Pengolahan plastik, Mesin Printing
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Mesin Penghancur Textile[Aug. 8, 2011 19:17:25]
PriceSms / CaLL / Telp
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Textile Crusher

unique design ideas and processes that enable any shape the structure of silk textile fiber, glass fiber, cloth, fiber grid layout, fiber carpets, the fiber, silk Mission , Cotton, linen, a Simian, old clothes, chemical fiber, such as rapid-opened, cutting the length of fiber needed quickly become the single fiber. And the collection, environmental protection does not ensure that the dust.