Registration Date: Oct. 18, 2009, Last Updated: Jan. 9, 2012
Business Nature: Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Industrial Supplies category
Company Brief
In 2005 we were concentrated for the moulding and Rubber sparepart manufacturing. inspired by Mr. Iding Kusnadi of his hardwork in October 2009 we are expanding the scope of our business to becoming a MACHINERY Trading Company for all kinds of Industrial Machinery.
Nowadays CV. World Technique has became a reputable of the Industrial Machinery Trading Company. We have been committed to serve and satisfy you as our customer with the skilled workers and technicians to give you the best Import Quality Products with CE Standards, satisfying services & guarantee products, and also give you the lowest prices recently in Java Province and also adaptable price to the customer' s budget.
Covering machinery market in Java Province ever since, we are now on our way to become a successful Industrial Machinery Seller Company.
Here are some of the machines we sell :
Textile Machinery :
Rapier Loom, Air and Water Jet Loom, Jaquard Loom, Warping Machines, Needle Loom Machines ( Ribbon/ Belt Making, Shoe Lace making) , Embroidery machines, Manual/ Computerized Knitting Machines, Wire Mesh Knitting Machines, etc.
Mining Machinery :
Stone Crusher/ jaw crusher, Cone Crusher, Hammer Mill, Impact Crusher, Vibrating Screen/ Feeder, Ball Mill, Full Package of Mining Machinery Plant, Asphalt Mixing Mill etc.
Rubber Machinery :
Rubber Extruder, Banburry/ Kneader, Calender Machines, Hydraulic Rubber Press, Open Mixing Mill, Retreading Machines with Internasional Quality, Waste Rubber Machinery Plant, Processing Raw Rubber Machinery Plant etc.
Plastic Machinery :
Plastic Extruder, Straw Making Machinery Plant, PVC Hose Making Machinery Plant, Plastic Crusher Machines, Waste Plastic Machinery Plant, Plastic Mixer Machines, Emboss ID Card Machines, Plastic/ Thermo Vacuum Forming Machines, Blowing Bottle/ Blowing Plastic Bag Making Machines, Plastic Injection Moulding Machines etc.
Metal Processing Machinery :
Engraving Machinery by Laser/ Tools for Metal/ Non Metal, Conventional/ CNC Milling 3axis - 5axis Machines, Conventional/ CNC Horizontal/ Vertical Lathe, Drilling Milling Machines, Vertical Horizontal Milling Machines, Turret Milling Machines, EDM ZNC/ CNC/ WireCut Machines, CNC Turning Center 2 axis - 4 axis Machines, PLANO Milling/ Miller Machines, Band Saw Conventional/ CNC, Surface Grinding Machines etc.
Filling & Packaging Machinery :
Liquid/ Powder Filling and Packaging Machinery, 3in1 Filling Machines for Drinking industry, Reverse Osmosis Machines etc.
Agriculture Machinery :
Charcoal Making Machines, Toothpicks/ Chopsticks Making Machinery etc.
Farming Machinery :
Feather Remover Machinery, Poultry Processing Plant etc.
Construction Machinery :
Clay/ Paver/ Con Blocks Making Machines or Plant, AAC Making Machines, Roll Forming Machines, Roof Tiles Making Machines, Asbestos Making Machines etc.
Printing Machinery :
Fabrics/ Textiles/ T-Shirt Printing Machines, Glass/ Plastic Bottles Printing Machines, Plastic Bags Printing Machines, Banner Outdoor/ Indoor Printing Machines etc.
Paper Machinery :
Emboss Paper Machines, Waste Paper Machinery Plant.
Optional Equipments :
Boiler Heating Sources from Coal/ Oil/ Gas/ Wooden Material, Belt Conveyor Machines etc.
Products / Sparepart :
Aumunium Foil and Bag, Poultry Feather Remover Rubber, Ordering Mould as per buyer designed.
For more inquiries, Please contact us for more details and hope that we can establish our relationship chances.
Best Regards,
Edy Rahadian S.ST.Par
( General Manager)
Major Products / Services
Seller :
- Mesin Pertambangan Emas, batubara, Pasir/ Bijih Besi dsb.
Mesin Pertambangan :
Mesin Penghancur Batu, Mesin Pembuat Pasir, Mesin Pencuci Pasir, Jaw Crusher, Ball Mill, Impact crusher, Cone crusher, Belt conveyor, vibrating feeder&Sieving, Raymond Mill, Hammer Mill, Mesin Pembuat Tepung Batu dll.
- Mesin Pengolahan Karet
Mesin Karet :
Mesin Crimper, Mesin Rajut Selang Karet, Mesin Press Silikon Karet, Mesin Extruder ( Pembuat Selang/ List Kaca) , Banburry/ Kneader, Mesin Kalender, Mesin Press Karet Hidrolik, Mesin Open Mill, Mesin Penghancur Karet, Mesin Vulkanisir Ban sistem DINGIN/ PANAS berkualitas Internasional, Paket Pengolahan limbah Karet ( Ban Bekas/ Karet) , PAKET PENGOLAHAN KARET MENTAH ( SiR) dll.
- Mesin Filling, Mesin Packaging, Mesin Pembungkusan
Mesin Filling dan Packaging :
Mesin Pengisian Air Minum ke Botol ( Plastik/ Kaca) hingga Sistem Penutupan Botol Sistem Otomatis ( Wasing/ Filling & Capping) , Mesin Pengisian untuk Packaging cair/ serbuk dalam bentuk Sachet, Mesin Pencucian, Pengisian dan Penutupan Produk Air Gallon, Mesin Pembuat Soft Gel dan Filling.
- Mesin Textile
Mesin Textile :
Mesin Tenun/ Rapier Loom, Air dan Water Jet Loom, Jaquard Loom, Warping Mesin, Mesin Pembuat Pita ( Needle Loom/ Needle Jaquard Loom) , Carding Mesin, Mesin Bordir ( Embroidery) , Mesin Rajut/ Knitting Manual, Mesin Rajut Komputer, Mesin Tenun Kawat, Mesin Potong Kain/ Pola Sistem Laser, Mesin Penghancur Kain, Mesin Press/ Vacuum Bantal dll.
- Mesin Pengolahan Plastik
Mesin Plastik :
Mesin Extruder ( Pembuat Selang/ Pipa Plastik) , Mesin Pembuat Sedotan Plastik, Mesin Penghancur Plastik, Paket Pengolahan limbah Plastik ( Pembuatan Granul Plastik, Pembuatan Serbuk Plastik hingga Mesh 200) , Plastik Mixer, Mesin Emboss ID Card, Mesin Vacuum Forming Acrylic & Plastik ( Pembuat kemasan) , Mesin Pembuat botol plastik ( system Blow) , Mesin Pembuat Produk Plastik ( Sistem Injection Moulding) , Mesin Pembuat kantung plastik dll.
Mesin Teknik (Pemproses benda LOGAM) :
Mesin Grafir Logam ( Sistem Komputerisasi Laser/ Tools) , Mesin Grafir non logam( Kaca, Batu, Kulit, Plastik, Kain Jeans) sistem Laser, Cylinder Block Grinder, Mesin Surface Grinder, Mesin Shapping/ Scruber, CNC Vertical Milling 3axis, 4axis & 5axis, CNC Horizontal Milling, Mesin Bubut/ Lathe Manual hingga Heavy Duty Type, CNC Bubut/ CNC Lathe, Mesin Drilling Milling, Mesin Vertical & Horizontal Milling, Mesin Turret Milling, Mesin EDM ZNC/ CNC, Mesin WireCut, Mesin CNC Turning Center 2 axis hingga 4 axis, Mesin PLANO Milling/ PlanoMiller, Mesin Vertical Lathe CNC/ Manual, Mesin Band Saw Conventional/ CNC dll.
- Mesin Pertanian dan Pengolahan Makanan
Mesin Pertanian dan Makanan:
Mesin Pembuat Arang ( Kayu/ Serbuk Kelapa dll) , Paket Mesin Pembuat Sumpit dan Tusuk Gigi, Mesin Pembuat Mie Skala Industri, Mesin Pembuat Permen dan Packaging Permen dll.
- Mesin Printing dan Percetakan
Mesin Printing :
Mesin Printing Kaos/ T-Shirt Sistem Sablon Otomatis/ Digital, Mesin Printing Tekstil, Mesin Printing Botol/ Gelas Kaca/ Plastik, Mesin Printing Kantung Plastik dan Karung Plastik, Mesin Printing Digital Spanduk/ Banner untuk Outdoor/ Indoor, Mesin Printing Besi, Mesin Printing Label Pakaian, Mesin Printing Barcode Produk.
- Mesin Konstruksi dan Bangunan
Mesin Konstruksi/ Bangunan :
Mesin Pembuat Batu Bata Merah, Mesin Pembuat Batako/ Paving Blok, Mesin Pembuat Batu Bata Ringan, Mesin Pembuat Atap Baja Ringan ( Roll Forming) , Mesin Pembuat Genteng Beton, Mesin Pembuat Atap Asbes.
- Mesin Peternakan
Mesin Peternakan :
Mesin Pencabut Bulu Ayam skala home Industri maupun Skala Industri sistem otomatis.
- Mesin Pengolahan Kertas dan Batu
Mesin Kertas dan Batu :
Paket Mesin Pembuat Kertas / Tissue, Mesin Daur Ulang Kertas, Mesin Emboss Kertas, Mesin Potong Batu ( Marmer) , Mesin Amplas Batu, Mesin Pembuat ‘ Bull Nose’ untuk Marmer.
- Boiler Industri
Mesin Pembantu Produksi :
Boiler berbahan bakar batubara/ Oil/ Gas.
- Conveyor
pembuatan Mesin Conveyor Karet
- Aluminium Foil
Produk Alumunium Foil untuk kemasan makanan, pembungkus rokok, pembungkus coklat, pembungkus produk farmasi dll.
- Karet Cabut Bulu Ayam
kami menjual produk sparepart karet cabut bulu ayam.