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Priority Member Indomonster Priority 14th Year
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When you think about industrial machinery...just think about CV. WORLD TECHNIQUE in Bandung City...!
Contact Information
Mr. Bpk. Eddy / Ibu Elly Rahadian [Owner/Entrepreneur]
Instant Messaging:
Windows Live: cv.worldtechnique@yahoo.com cv.worldtechnique@yahoo.com
Y!: cv.worldtechnique@yahoo.com 
Phone Number:
Phone number of Mr. Bpk. Eddy / Ibu Elly Rahadian at BANDUNG
Mobile Number:
Mobile number of Mr. Bpk. Eddy / Ibu Elly Rahadian at BANDUNG
Jalan Kawaluyaan Indah XV No. 16 - Komplek Kawaluyaan indah
BANDUNG 40286, Jawa Barat
Valid Address
PAKET PENGOLAHAN KARET MENTAH ( SIR) , Mesin pertambangan, MESIN BUBUT, MESIN CNC, EDM, Mesin Karet, Mesin Plastik, Mesin Grafir, Mesin Tekstil, Mesin Rajut, Ashalt Mixing Mill, PAKET Mesin Pengolahan limbah Kertas, Mesin Pengolahan plastik, Mesin Printing
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Mesin Tekstil

Mesin TekstilMesin yang berhubungan dengan produk tekstil, yang kami jual, diantaranya :
1. Mesin Bordir
2. Mesin Needle Loom/ Pembuat produk pita/belt
3. Mesin Tenun Rapier loom, Water Jet, Air Jet dan Jaquard Loom.
4. Mesin Warping
5. Mesin Print untuk produk tekstil kain
6. Mesin Print untuk spanduk/Banner
7. Mesin potong kain (Sistem Laser & Komputer Otomatis)
8. Mesin Penghancur Kain/Textile.

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Mesin Printing
Printing Machine :

This machines are efficient, and easy to use.
Our Printing machine are available for :
Printing Plastic/ Glass Bottle, Making a barcode, Printing Fabric....
Mesin Tenun / Rapier Loom / Mesin Textile
Textile Machinery ( Rapier Looms)

for more specifications you needs or order, dont hesitate to contact me anytime..

for you as my customer, there are no boundaries time for....
Embroidery/ Mesin Bordir
we are offering you these Embroidery machines with the best quality ever & the cheapest prices you' ve never imagine before...

for more specifications you needs or order, dont....
Needle Loom / Mesin Muller / Mesin Pembuat Pita / Mesin Textile
Needle Loom is the ribbon/ tape maker machine.

for more inquires, bout these prices & detail specification, please dont hesitate to contact me at anytime..
Mesin Penghancur Textile
Textile Crusher

unique design ideas and processes that enable any shape the structure of silk textile fiber, glass fiber, cloth, fiber grid layout, fiber carpets, the fiber, ....
Mesin Tenun / Rapier Loom / Mesin Textile 2
Textile Machinery ( Rapier Looms)

for more specifications you needs or order, dont hesitate to contact me anytime..

for you as my customer, there are no boundaries time for....
Mesin Tenun / Rapier Loom / Mesin Textile 3
Textile Machinery ( Rapier Looms)

for more specifications you needs or order, dont hesitate to contact me anytime..

for you as my customer, there are no boundaries time for....
Mesin Pembuat Waring / Jaring
Textile Machinery ( Rapier Looms)

for more specifications you needs or order, dont hesitate to contact me anytime..

for you as my customer, there are no boundaries time for....
Mesin Pembuat Handuk
Textile Machinery ( Rapier Looms)

for more specifications you needs or order, dont hesitate to contact me anytime..

for you as my customer, there are no boundaries time for....
showing 1-9 of 9