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Name:Mr. Ahmad Hidayat (Ahyat) [Owner/Entrepreneur]
Instant Messaging:
Google Talk:  info@remapest.com  info@remapest.com
Y!: remapest 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Ahmad Hidayat (Ahyat) at Jakarta
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Ahmad Hidayat (Ahyat) at Jakarta
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. Ahmad Hidayat (Ahyat) at Jakarta
Address:Head Office: 6th, Wisma Metropolitan II Kav. 29-30 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Jakarta 12920-Indonesia
Jakarta 12920, Jakarta
Layanan service 24 Jam di : 75903547, 081584330055
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Dec. 19, 2011
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Home Supplies category

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Company Brief

REMAPEST Pest Control Services, We are a Pest Control Company Services with staff has experienced more than 15 years in Pest Control Business.

WELCOME to the REMAPEST Pest Control Services web site, which we hope, you will find helpful and informative. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like any further information.

REMAPEST Pest Control Services was founded in 1984 as a small, mid-central Jawa Barat, West Java family business, and is now active throughout Jawa barat, Indonesia, serving customers in every town and districts of Indonesia from its Main Office at Bandung, Jawabarat.

Itâ € ™ s a pleasure to introduce ourselves as Domestic and Industrial Pest Control Operator and Water Tank Cleaning Service Provider. We give effective disinfestations treatment by modern instruments against Termite ( White Ants ) , Cockroaches, Mosquitoes, Ants, Flies, Spiders, Lizards, Bed-Bugs, Rodent ( Rats and Mice) , Snakes and all other flying and crawling insects.

REMAPEST Pest Control Services is one of the leading Pest Control Establishments in Jakarta, Indonesia. We have been providing Domestic and Industrial Pest Control Services and Water Tank Cleaning Services for the last 15 years in all types of sectors. The key to success in any pest management program is directly dependent upon the quality of the people who deliver the service.

REMAPEST Pest Control Services has been, and continues to be, a leader within the pest control industry.

Not only do we cover all pests but also specialise in the following: -

1. Contractual Domestic Pest and Termite control services for residential bungalow/ Apartments. ( Household Preservations)

2. Gaseous and Spray system pest control treatment at competitive price for Offices, warehouses, Godowns, Stores, Record Rooms, Factories, Hotels, Restaurant and all other public and private organizations.

3. Pre-foundation and Post-construction soil treatment against Termite. ( Anti-Termites Soil and Wood Preservation) 100% effectiveness guarantee.

4. Fumigation of Ships, Cargoes & Containers.

5. Disinfestations & Deratting of Vessels / Houses / Work Places / Warehouses / Stores.

6. Water Tank Cleaning service applying scientific and hygienic methods for clearing sediment disinfection against virus/ bacteria and other organisms, removing of sediment and moss by chemicals and scientific methods.

Those are not just pretty words written for the purpose of sounding good in our jingle. They represent a philosophy of life and work which effects thousands of customers who depend on the REMAPEST Pest Control Services name and everything it stands for when it comes to " taking care of you and your home."

At REMAPEST Pest Control Services, we continually educate and train our service technicians in the use of the most advanced products and pest management techniques. This training and experience assures you of receiving the highest-quality service.

We may mention here that we have contracts with International Hotels, Restaurants, Factories, Pharmaceuticals, Banks, Godowns, Garments, Mills, Industries, Construction Firms, Ships, Multi-national Organizations, Embassies, NGO Offices and many other reputed organizations.

For more information, Please Call.
Head Office:
6th, Wisma Metropolitan II Kav. 29-30
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Jakarta 12920-Indonesia
Tel.: 021-97726739, 97726740, 68881091
Fax: 021-75903547

info@ remapest.com,
http: / / www.remapest.com

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