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    RODEAD - Pengendalian hama pengerat ( Cont.Tikus)

    Mulai dengan Rp. 250.000,-
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    Telegraphic Transfer (T/T)
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    Per Treatment

    Specification :

    RODEAD - Rodent Control ( e.q. Rat, House mouse, Roof Rat)

    Rodent control is in general, is and controlling the population of rodent pests in buildings so they do not grow and damage the buildings and interfere with the human residents / occupants.

    Control Method are:
    1. Checking the installation of access points to close out the entry of rats.
    2. Pest control rats used in the feeding method ( Baiting system) .
    3. We used Ratbox where the Baiting used in the outer area to avoid the rain, preventing the reach of small children and pets.

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