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 Products Catalog:RAIN DETECTOR, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:ANEMOMETER/ THERMO ANEMOMETERS HD2103.1 AND HD2103.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:DISSOLVED OXYGEN ( DO Meter)   DATA LOGGER DO9709, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:PORTABLE MULTIFUCTION DATA LOGGER INSTRUMENT DO 9847, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:DUAL REGULATING INDICATOR WITH MICROPROCESSOR CONFIGURATION AND TWO INPUTS, FOR VOLTAGE OR CURRENT DO9404,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:CONFIGURABLE MICROPROCESSOR INDICATOR CURRENT OR VOLTAGE INPUT HD9022,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:CONDUCTIVITY TRANSMITTERS DO9786T R1   DO9766T R1,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:Passive pressure transmitters with DIN 43650   45326 connector HD 2004T   HD 20V4T   HD9408T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:RELATIVE OR DIFFERENTIAL ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS HD 408T   HD 4V8T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:Transmitters for illuminance and irradiance measurements HD 2021T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:pH/mV TRANSMITTER DO 9403T R1,  Merk : Deltaohm  Products Catalog:HD 2010UC/A Integrating Sound Level Meter   Portable Analyzer, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:pH METER   CONDUCTIVITY METER   THERMOMETER HD2156.1 AND HD2156.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:CONDUCTIVITY METERS   THERMOMETERS HD2106.1 AND HD2106.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD9008TR   HD9009TR RH AND TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERS,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:INDICATORS OF TEMPERATURE, HUMIDITY, PRESSURE AND AIR SPEEDENVIRONMENTAL MEASUREMENTS WITH DIGITAL OR ANALOG OUTPUT HD2001   HD2001.1.2.3,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:ACTIVE AND PASSIVE TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY TRANSMITTER DO 9861T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:ACTIVE TRANSMITTER AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY HYGROSTAT HD 2017T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:ACTIVE HUMIDITY AND HUMIDITY TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERSWITH CONFIGURABLE TEMPERATURE WORKING RANGE HD 2011T   HD 2012T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:PASSIVE 4÷20MA HUMIDITY AND TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERS WITH CONFIGURABLE TEMPERATURE WORKING RANGE HD2007T   HD2008T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:PASSIVE HYGROTRANSMITTER HD797T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:SIGNAL CONVERTERS / AMPLIFIERS WITH 4÷20mA OR 0÷10Vdc OUTPUT CONFIGURABLE WITH HD788 TCAL BY PC THROUGH RS232C,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:THE HD 588 MODULAR SIGNAL CONVERTER,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:THE HD 688T MODULAR TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:Pt100 SIMULATOR HD2047,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:CONFIGURABLE TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERS 4÷20 mA FOR Pt100 SENSORS HD 788TR1   HD 788TR1 I   HD 786TR1   HD 988TR1 HD 988TR1 I   HD 988TR2,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD2717T Transmitter, indicator, ON/OFF regulator, temperature and humidity data logger with interchangeable probe, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD3604T…, HD36V4T… Relative Pressure Transmitters,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD2013 TIPPING BUCKET RAIN GAUGE & HD2013 D DATALOGGER TO MEASURE RAINFALL,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:LP UVB 02 RADIOMETRIC PROBE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL USE,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:LP PHOT 02 PHOTOMETRIC PROBE, LP UVA 02 RADIOMETRIC PROBE,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:PYRANOMETERS   ALBEDOMETERS   NET IRRADIANCE METER,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD 9408T BARO, HD 9408TR BARO, HD 9908T BARO, HD 9408PS 50 Barometric pressure transmitters Static port for barometric measurements,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:QUANTUM PHOTO RADIOMETER AND THERMOMETER   DATALOGGER DO 9721,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD32.7   HD32.8.8   HD32.8.16,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD3405.2   HD3406.2   HD3409.2   HD3456.2 pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and temperature,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD 98569 pH   Conductivity Dissolved Oxygen   Temperature, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:DISSOLVED OXYGEN   TEMPERATURE METERS HD2109.1 AND HD2109.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:pH METER   CONDUCTIVITY METER   THERMOMETER HD2156.1 AND HD2156.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:CONDUCTIVITY METER   THERMOMETER HD2306.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:pH AND mV SIMULATOR HD9609, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:TEMPERATURE pH METER HD2305.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:TEMPERATURE   pH METERS HD2105.1 AND HD2105.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:CALIBRATORS FOR SOUND LEVEL METERS HD9101 AND HD9102, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD 2110 Integrating Sound Level Meter – Portable Analyzer, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD 2010UC Integrating Sound Level Meter, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD 2010 MCTC  Integrated Sound level meter approved by the Ministry of Transport, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:PHOTO RADIOMETER HD2302.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:PHOTO RADIOMETERS HD2102.1 AND HD2102.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:DO2003 AIR SPEED AND FLOW RATE   TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE/RELATIVE HUMIDITY   PRESSURE, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:THERMO ANEMOMETER HD2303.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:MICROMANOMETER   THERMOMETER HD2114.0, HD2114.2, HD2134.0, HD2134.2, HD2164.0, HD2164.0BAROMETER   THERMOMETER HD2114B.0, HD2114B.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:MANOMETER   THERMOMETER  HD2304.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:MANOMETER   THERMOMETER HD2124.1 AND HD2124.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HYGRO THERMOMETER HD2301.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:THERMOCOUPLE THERMOMETER WITH TWO INPUTS HD2328.0,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:THERMOCOUPLE THERMOMETERS: K, J, T, N, R, S, B, E,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:RTD – TC  THERMOMETERSPt100 AND TC INPUT, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:RTD  THERMOMETERS HD2307.0SENSORS: Pt100, Pt1000  Products Catalog:RTD THERMOMETERS HD2107.1 AND HD2107.2 SENSORS: Pt100, Pt1000, Ni1000, NTC 
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Products Catalog

CONFIGURABLE TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERS 4÷20 mA FOR Pt100 SENSORS HD 788TR1 - HD 788TR1-I - HD 786TR1 - HD 988TR1 HD 988TR1-I - HD 988TR2, Merk : DeltaOhm[Jul. 27, 2009 1:44:58]
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HD 788TR1, HD 788TR1-I, HD 786TR1, HD 988TR1, HD 988TR1-I and HD 988TR2 are 4÷20
mA transmitters with a microprocessor, configurable for Pt100 Platinum temperature sensors.
They convert the temperature variations found with any standard Pt100 sensor (100© at 0°C)
into a linear current signal with two leads in the field 4÷20 mA. Linearisation with a digital
technique allows excellent precision and stability to be obtained. The user can set the 4÷20
mA output (or 20÷4 mA) in any temperature range within the field -200...+650°C, with a
minimum amplitude of 25°C; it may be simply reprogrammed by pressing a key, without any
need to regulate jumpers, potentiometers, software, etc. A led indicates any alarm situations
(temperature outside the set range, broken or short-circuiting sensor) and assists the user
in the programming phase. The 4÷20mA output of models HD788TR1-I and HD988TR1-I
is galvanically isolated from the Pt100 input. The transmitters are also protected against
inversions of polarity. The HD 788TR1, HD 788TR1-I are specifically designed for installing in
type DIN B connecting heads, while the HD 988TR1, HD988TR1-I and HD 988TR2 are suitable
for fitting in containers with a 35 mm DIN bar connection. As well as the 4÷20 mA output, the
HD 988TR2 has a convenient 3½ digit display (height 10 mm) which allows the display of the
measured temperature. Suitable for fitting on the wall.
Technical data (20°C and 24V DC)
HD 788TR1 - HD 788TR1-I
HD 786TR1
HD 988TR1 - HD 988TR1-I
HD 988TR2
Sensor Pt100 (100©)
Connection 3 (or 2) leads
Linearisation EN 60751, IEC 751
BS 1904 (±=0,00385)
Current in the sensor RLMax = 680 © @ Vcc = 24 Vdc
Red led Lights up during the programming phase and when
the measured temperature is outside the set range
Input-Output isolation (from
models HD 788TR1-I and HD
500 Vdc
Order codes
HD 788TR1: 4÷20 mA/20÷4 mA temperature transmitter for Pt100 sensor with 2 or 3 leads
configurable in the range -200...+650°C with minimum amplitude range 25°C, in a
container for DIN B 43760 heads.
HD 788TR1-I: 4÷20 mA/20÷4 mA isolated temperature transmitter for Pt100 sensor with 2
or 3 leads configurable in the range -200...+650°C with minimum amplitude range 25°C,
in a container for DIN B 43760 heads.
HD 786TR1: 4÷20 mA/20÷4 mA temperature transmitter for Pt100 sensor with 3 leads
configurable in the range -200...+650°C with minimum amplitude range 25°C. Suitable
for fitting on the wall.
HD 988TR1: 4÷20 mA/20÷4 mA temperature transmitter for Pt100 sensor with 2 or 3 leads
configurable in the range -200...+650°C with minimum amplitude range 25°C, in a
container for 35 mm DIN bar connection, dimension 1 module.
HD 988TR1-I: 4÷20 mA/20÷4 mA isolated temperature transmitter for Pt100 sensor with 2
or 3 leads configurable in the range -200...+650°C with minimum amplitude range 25°C,
in a container for 35 mm DIN bar connection, dimension 1 module.
HD 988TR2: 4÷20 mA/20÷4 mA temperature transmitter for Pt100 sensor with 2 or 3
leads configurable in the range -200...+650°C with minimum amplitude range 25°C, in
a container for 35 mm DIN bar connection, dimension 2 modules, with 3½ digit display,
height 10 mm.

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