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 Products Catalog:RAIN DETECTOR, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:ANEMOMETER/ THERMO ANEMOMETERS HD2103.1 AND HD2103.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:DISSOLVED OXYGEN ( DO Meter)   DATA LOGGER DO9709, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:PORTABLE MULTIFUCTION DATA LOGGER INSTRUMENT DO 9847, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:DUAL REGULATING INDICATOR WITH MICROPROCESSOR CONFIGURATION AND TWO INPUTS, FOR VOLTAGE OR CURRENT DO9404,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:CONFIGURABLE MICROPROCESSOR INDICATOR CURRENT OR VOLTAGE INPUT HD9022,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:CONDUCTIVITY TRANSMITTERS DO9786T R1   DO9766T R1,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:Passive pressure transmitters with DIN 43650   45326 connector HD 2004T   HD 20V4T   HD9408T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:RELATIVE OR DIFFERENTIAL ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS HD 408T   HD 4V8T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:Transmitters for illuminance and irradiance measurements HD 2021T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:pH/mV TRANSMITTER DO 9403T R1,  Merk : Deltaohm  Products Catalog:HD 2010UC/A Integrating Sound Level Meter   Portable Analyzer, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:pH METER   CONDUCTIVITY METER   THERMOMETER HD2156.1 AND HD2156.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:CONDUCTIVITY METERS   THERMOMETERS HD2106.1 AND HD2106.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD9008TR   HD9009TR RH AND TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERS,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:INDICATORS OF TEMPERATURE, HUMIDITY, PRESSURE AND AIR SPEEDENVIRONMENTAL MEASUREMENTS WITH DIGITAL OR ANALOG OUTPUT HD2001   HD2001.1.2.3,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:ACTIVE AND PASSIVE TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY TRANSMITTER DO 9861T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:ACTIVE TRANSMITTER AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY HYGROSTAT HD 2017T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:ACTIVE HUMIDITY AND HUMIDITY TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERSWITH CONFIGURABLE TEMPERATURE WORKING RANGE HD 2011T   HD 2012T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:PASSIVE 4÷20MA HUMIDITY AND TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERS WITH CONFIGURABLE TEMPERATURE WORKING RANGE HD2007T   HD2008T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:PASSIVE HYGROTRANSMITTER HD797T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:SIGNAL CONVERTERS / AMPLIFIERS WITH 4÷20mA OR 0÷10Vdc OUTPUT CONFIGURABLE WITH HD788 TCAL BY PC THROUGH RS232C,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:THE HD 588 MODULAR SIGNAL CONVERTER,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:THE HD 688T MODULAR TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:Pt100 SIMULATOR HD2047,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:CONFIGURABLE TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERS 4÷20 mA FOR Pt100 SENSORS HD 788TR1   HD 788TR1 I   HD 786TR1   HD 988TR1 HD 988TR1 I   HD 988TR2,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD2717T Transmitter, indicator, ON/OFF regulator, temperature and humidity data logger with interchangeable probe, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD3604T…, HD36V4T… Relative Pressure Transmitters,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD2013 TIPPING BUCKET RAIN GAUGE & HD2013 D DATALOGGER TO MEASURE RAINFALL,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:LP UVB 02 RADIOMETRIC PROBE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL USE,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:LP PHOT 02 PHOTOMETRIC PROBE, LP UVA 02 RADIOMETRIC PROBE,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:PYRANOMETERS   ALBEDOMETERS   NET IRRADIANCE METER,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD 9408T BARO, HD 9408TR BARO, HD 9908T BARO, HD 9408PS 50 Barometric pressure transmitters Static port for barometric measurements,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:QUANTUM PHOTO RADIOMETER AND THERMOMETER   DATALOGGER DO 9721,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD32.7   HD32.8.8   HD32.8.16,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD3405.2   HD3406.2   HD3409.2   HD3456.2 pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and temperature,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD 98569 pH   Conductivity Dissolved Oxygen   Temperature, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:DISSOLVED OXYGEN   TEMPERATURE METERS HD2109.1 AND HD2109.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:pH METER   CONDUCTIVITY METER   THERMOMETER HD2156.1 AND HD2156.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:CONDUCTIVITY METER   THERMOMETER HD2306.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:pH AND mV SIMULATOR HD9609, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:TEMPERATURE pH METER HD2305.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:TEMPERATURE   pH METERS HD2105.1 AND HD2105.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:CALIBRATORS FOR SOUND LEVEL METERS HD9101 AND HD9102, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD 2110 Integrating Sound Level Meter – Portable Analyzer, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD 2010UC Integrating Sound Level Meter, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HD 2010 MCTC  Integrated Sound level meter approved by the Ministry of Transport, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:PHOTO RADIOMETER HD2302.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:PHOTO RADIOMETERS HD2102.1 AND HD2102.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:DO2003 AIR SPEED AND FLOW RATE   TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE/RELATIVE HUMIDITY   PRESSURE, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:THERMO ANEMOMETER HD2303.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:MICROMANOMETER   THERMOMETER HD2114.0, HD2114.2, HD2134.0, HD2134.2, HD2164.0, HD2164.0BAROMETER   THERMOMETER HD2114B.0, HD2114B.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:MANOMETER   THERMOMETER  HD2304.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:MANOMETER   THERMOMETER HD2124.1 AND HD2124.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:HYGRO THERMOMETER HD2301.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:THERMOCOUPLE THERMOMETER WITH TWO INPUTS HD2328.0,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:THERMOCOUPLE THERMOMETERS: K, J, T, N, R, S, B, E,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:RTD – TC  THERMOMETERSPt100 AND TC INPUT, Merk : DeltaOhm  Products Catalog:RTD  THERMOMETERS HD2307.0SENSORS: Pt100, Pt1000  Products Catalog:RTD THERMOMETERS HD2107.1 AND HD2107.2 SENSORS: Pt100, Pt1000, Ni1000, NTC 
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RAIN DETECTOR, Merk : DeltaOhm[Nov. 11, 2009 1:10:17]
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The HD2013.2 is a rain detector based on the capacity principle. The capacity value of the
sensitive element, on an alumina rest, changes according to the surface dampened by
raindrops. An integrated heater keeps it dry, evaporates water and prevents false signals
caused by fog or dew. The heater also activates at low temperatures, melting the snow
and allowing to detect snow precipitations. The instrument external circular dome acts
as a windshield for the sensor, preventing false indications. The instrument is equipped
with three different outputs: a � Rain ON/ OFF� output, which detects whether it is raining/
snowing ( ON) or not ( OFF) , also used to control a relay coil or similar devices; a 0� 1V
voltage analogue output ( calibrated) and a 1, 5� 6KHz frequency output ( not calibrated) ,
which provide an accurate indication of current precipitation intensity. The ON/ OFF output
comes with a delay circuit that indicates the � rain over� condition with a 2 minute delay, so
that the � rain over� condition is distinguished from the � light rain� one. The heater can be
disabled when power consumption is critical. To do it, set the Heater OFF input on 0V.
If requested when ordering, a bird spike, consisting of a 6-spike ring ( spike height: 60mm,
diameter: 3 mm) , can be mounted.
Typical Applications
The rain detector can be used either as a separate device, or connected to a data logger
system ( for example: in a weather station) . In fi gure 1, the HD2013.2 ON/ OFF output is
connected to a relay coil that powers an engine: should it rain, the ON/ OFF output will
energize the relay coil, which will close the normally open contact ( in this case the rain
detector is employed as part of a control system, such as, for example, for closing windows) .
Warning: when the HD2013.2 is connected to a relay coil, use always a protection diode,
as shown in fi gure 1.
Installation and Maintenance
Place the detector far from buildings, trees, etc� , taking care that no object is over the
detector, as it might prevent rain detection. Use the supplied accessories to mount the
instrument; the bracket can be fi xed to a post having a diameter from 30 to 50mm; the post
can be either horizontal or vertical thanks to the bracket double drilling. A standard 5-m
cable is supplied for the electrical connection with an IP68 connector to be inserted at the
bottom of the instrument: the colours of the leads and the relating functions are to be found
in the technical specifi cations. To ensure good immunity from noises, it is recommended to
connect the cable braid to the earth and to keep the heater and the electronics earth leads
separate. Clean the sensor regularly with a cotton fl ock soaked in distilled water; in case of
ingrained dirt, mild cleansers can be used in moderation.
The sensor is fragile, as it is placed on an alumina rest, thus handle it with care!
Technical Data/ Specifi cations
Type Capacitive, with integrated heater
Sensor 6.6cm2
Angle 30°
Min. sensitive area 0.05cm2
ON delay/ Trip delay ( OFF> > ON) > OFF) < 5min
Diam. x height ø 107 x 70 mm
Weight 450g
Cable length 5m ( other lengths available on request)
Material BASF LURAN S777K
Electrical Features
Power Supply
Supply Voltage 12Vdc ± 10%
Current Consumption 130mA ( typical)
230mA ( max)
10mA ( with heater disabled)
Sensor Power Consumption 0.5 � 2.3W
Rain ON/ OFF Open collector, closed in case of rain.
Max. Voltage 15V
Max. Current 50mA
Analogue Output 0� 1V ( 0V = rain, 1V = dry sensor)
Frequency Output 1500 � 6000Hz ( rain � dry sensor) Not
Heater OFF OFF = connected to GND
Closing Contact Capacity 15Vdc, 2mA
Ambient Conditions
Operating Temperature -15 � + 55° C
Storage Temperature -40 � + 65° C
Electrical Connection � Colour Codes
Power supply ( + ) Red
Rain ON/ OFF Blue
Heater OFF Green
Analogue Output Yellow
Frequency Output White
Electronics Earth Black
Heater Earth Grey
Ordering Codes
HD2013.2: Rain detector equipped with mounting bracket. 8-pole connector output
according to IEC 60130-9 IP68. Complete with fl ying female connector. Connection
cable has to be ordered separately.
CP2013.2.5: 5-m connection cable: 8-pole IEC 60130-9 IP68 female connector on one
end. Other lengths available on request.
HD2013.2D: � Bird spike� , consisting of a 6-spike ring ( spike height: 60mm, diameter: 3
mm) , to be expressly requested when ordering.

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