CONDUCTIVITY METER - THERMOMETER HD2306.0, Merk : DeltaOhm[Jul. 3, 2009 2:20:55]
The HD2306.0 is a portable instrument with a large LCD display. It measures conductivity, liquid resistivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), and salinity using combined 4-ring and 2-ring conductivity/temperature probes. Temperature only is measured by Pt100 or Pt1000 immersion, penetration or contact probes.The probe calibration can be performed automatically in one or more than one of the 147¼S, 1413¼S, 12880¼S or 111800¼S/cm conductivity calibration solutions. The temperature probe is fi tted with an automatic detection module, with the fac-tory calibration settings already being memorized inside. The Max, Min and Avg function calculates the maximum, minimum or average values. Other functions include: the relative measurement REL, the Auto-HOLD function, and the automatic turning off which can also be disabled. The instrument has IP67 protection degree.
Dimensions (Length x Width x Height) 140x88x38mm
Weight 160g (complete with batteries) Materials ABS
Display 2x41D2 digits plus symbols Visible area: 52x42mm
Operating conditions
Working temperature -5…50°C
Storing temperature -25…65°C Working relative humidity 0…90%RH without condensation
Protection degree IP67
Power Batteries 3 1.5V type AA batteries
Autonomy 200 hours with 1800mAh alkaline batteries
Power absorbed with instrument off 20¼A
Conductivity input/temperature probes 8-pole male DIN45326 connector
Measurement of conductivity by Instrument
Resolution with K cell=0.1 0.01¼S in range 0.00…19.99¼S
Measurement range (K cell=1) / Resolution 0.0…199.9¼S / 0.1¼S 200…1999¼S / 1¼S 2.00…19.99mS / 0.01mS 20.0…199.9mS / 0.1mS Accuracy (conductivity) ±0.5% ±1digit
Measurement of resistivity by Instrument
Measurement range / Resolution 4.0…199.9© / 0.1© 200…999© / 1© 1.00k…19.99k© / 0.01k© 20.0k…99.9k© / 0.1k© 100k…999k© / 1k© 1…10M© / 1M©
Accuracy (resistivity) ±0.5% ±1digit
Measurement of total dissolved solids (with coeffi cient Ç/TDS=0.5) Resolution with K cell=0.1 0.05mg/l in range 0.00…19.99mg/l
Measurement range (K cell=1) / Resolution 0.0…199.9 mg/l / 0.5 mg/l 200…1999 mg/l / 1 mg/l 2.00…19.99 g/l / 0.01 g/l 20.0…199.9 g/l / 0.1 g/l Accuracy (total dissolved solids) ±0.5% ±1digit
Measurement of temperature by Instrument
Pt100 measurement range -50…+200°C
Pt1000 measurement range -50…+200°C
Resolution 0.1°C
Accuracy ±0.25°C
Drift after 1 year 0.1°C/year
Automatic/manual temperature compensation 0…100°C with ±T=0.00…4.00%/°C
Reference temperature 20°C or 25°C Ç/TDS conversion factor 0.4…0.8
Cell constant K (cm-1) 0.1, 0.7, 1.0 and 10.0
Standard solutions automatically detected (@25°C) 147 ¼S/cm 1413 ¼S/cm 12880 ¼S/cm 111800 ¼S/cm
HD2306.0K: The kit is composed of: instrument HD2306.0, conductivity/temperature combined probe SP06T, standard calibration solution HD8712 (12880¼S/cm), 3 1.5V alkaline batteries, operating manual, case. Other conductivity probes must be ordered separately.
Conductivity probes Please see the order codes reported in the probes’ technical specifications.
Standard conductivity calibration solutions
HD8747: Standard calibration solution 0.001mol/l equal to 147¼S/cm @25°C, 200cc.
HD8714: Standard calibration solution 0.01mol/l equal to 1413¼S/cm @25°C, 200cc.
HD8712: Standard calibration solution 0.1mol/l equal to 12880¼S/cm @25°C, 200cc.
HD87111: Standard calibration solution 1mol/l equal to 111800¼S/cm @25°C, 200cc.
Temperature probes
TP47.100: Direct 4 wire Pt100 sensor immersion probe. Probe’s stem Ø 3mm, length 230mm. 4 wire connection cable with connector, length 2 metres.
TP47.1000: Pt1000 sensor immersion probe. Probe’s stem Ø 3mm, length 230mm. 2 wire connection cable with connector, length 2 metres.
TP87.100: Pt100 sensor immersion probe. Probe’s stem Ø 3mm, length 70mm. Connection cable 4 wires with connector, length 1 metre.
TP87.1000: Pt1000 sensor immersion probe. Probe’s stem Ø 3mm, length 70mm.Connection cable 2 wires with connector, length 1 metre.
TP47: Only connector for probe connection: direct 4 wire Pt100, 2 wire Pt1000.