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Media Surveying : : : GPS Garmin - GPS Trimble - GPS Magellan - Digital Theodolite Nikon - Total Station Topcon - Auto Level - Automatic Level Sokkia - Kompas Suunto - Kompas Brunton - Distometer - Ber Test - Handy Talky Motorola
Media Surveying : : : GPS Garmin - GPS Trimble - GPS Magellan - Digital Theodolite Nikon - Total Station Topcon - Auto Level - Automatic Level Sokkia - Kompas Suunto - Kompas Brunton - Distometer - Ber Test - Handy Talky Motorola
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Digi-in G 007 Asistant[Dec. 27, 2009 20:48:47]
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A multi-functional GPS plant a variety of sophisticated features. small nan tool has the following features details:
Receiver: Frequency � ª 1575.42MHz Display: 4.3 TFT LCD display + 4.3 4-line resistance touch screen, Support hand-writing � ª GPS Accuracy: - � ª Basemap: The map upgrading storaged data in the SD card, built-� ª Memory: Yes � ª Special Feature 1 : WMA, MP3 � ª Special Feature 2: Support JPEG, BMP � ª Special Feature 3: Bluetooth � ª Stamina Battery: 4-5 hours � ª Warranty: 1 Month official � ª
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