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Maju Mapan Mandiri

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15th Year
Maju Mapan Mandiri
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    SOLINST GOLD Water Level Loggers

    SOLINST GOLD Water Level Loggers

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    The Levelogger can be easily programmed using the optical reader included in either the optional standard communications package or the optional direct read communications package. After the Levelogger is placed in the optical reader and attached to your computer, simply fill in the requested site information and choice of sampling regime.

    Measurements can then be taken immediately, or a future start time can be chosen. Using the direct read communications package and a direct read cable assembly ( each sold separately) , data can conveniently be retrieved and viewed from the Levelogger at any time. To connect the direct read cable, remove the top cap of the Levelogger and attach the cable.

    Data storage : 40, 000 points with EEPROM
    Sample interval : 0.5 seconds to 99 hours
    Sampling modes : linear, event, or customizable recording schedule
    Minimum system requirements : Processor, Pentium 166Mhz; Memory, 32MB or more; Display, VGA 800 x 600 pixels 256 color; RS232 COM port; Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, or XP
    Stainless steel level sensor: Accuracy: 0.05% FS ( -10° C to 40° C) . Resolution: 15' Model, 0.007 ft./ 0.2 cm; 30' Model, 0.01 ft./ 0.3 cm; 100' Model, 0.03 ft./ 1 cm
    Temperature sensor : Range: -20° C to 80° C
    Accuracy : 0.1° C. Resolution: 0.01° C
    Power source : lithium battery ( included)
    Battery life : 10 years

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