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Maju Mapan Mandiri

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15th Year
Maju Mapan Mandiri
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    TINKER & RASOR AP/ W Holiday Detector

    TINKER & RASOR AP/ W Holiday Detector

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    The Tinker & Rasor Models AP and AP/ W Holiday Detectors are portable, all purpose, inspection instruments. They are adaptable for use on both large and small diameter pipe as well as flat surfaces when such surfaces are coated with a high electrical resistant material and the surface beneath the coating is electrically conductive. The Models AP and AP/ W Holiday Detectors work equally well on damp surfaces; they are especially desirable when humid conditions exist or when it has recently rained.

    Output Voltage Data

    Output high voltage pulse transformers referred to as â powerpaksâ are available from stock. Select range when ordering complete instrument . Approximate voltage ranges as followsâ

    * 900V - 1, 400V - 2, 000V - 2, 500V - 3, 000V and 3, 400 volts
    * 3, 500V - 5, 000V - 6, 000V - 7, 500V - 8, 500V and 10, 000 volts
    * 6, 000V - 8, 000V - 10, 000V - 12, 500V, 15, 000V and 16, 000 volts
    * 12, 500V - 17, 500V - 20, 000V - 27, 000V - 31, 000V and 35, 000 volts


    Plug-in high voltage pulse transformers with wide selection of fixed output voltages. Rechargeable dry-cell NICAD battery which averages over two years life expectancy. Lightweight, belt-mounted instrument housed in tough, rugged, injection molded â CYCOLACâ . Notice: Additional Powerpaks available.

    Ask for NACE reprint on â Recommended Practice â for high voltage electrical inspection of pipeline coatings prior to installation.

    * 1 Battery
    * 1 Belt
    * 1 Ground Wire
    * 1 Battery Charger
    * 1 Battery Tester
    * Instruction Manual
    * Watertight, dust tight rugged plastic carrying case with wheels
    * 5â cable & puller attachment
    * 1 Powerpak Assembly - 18â wand w/ head
    * 18â wand extension
    * Electrode* ( choose one) - half circle electrode for any one size pipe to 8â dia. or full circle spring electrode for any one size pipe 2â to 36â dia. or conductive silicone brush electrode to 8â in width ( electrodes are complete with attachments & couplings)

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