Pupuk Kompos Green Phoskko®[Oct. 4, 2010 17:52:14]
Each compost Organic Fertilizer Phoskko ® Green ( GP- 4 ) contain the essential nutrients for all plants need a complete , odorless and beneficial to improvement of soil structure that is less crumbly . The main content of Green Phoskko ® Organic Fertilizer is N , P , K in a certain number of ( relatively small) as well as secondary and micro nutrients like Calcium ( Ca ) , magnesium ( Mg ) and Zn and Fe . Green Organic Fertilizer Phosko ® ( GP- 4 ) is guaranteed not contain heavy metals ( Ar , Cd and Pb ) in the amount of harmful plants and human health . containing only 100 ppm maximum . Beneficial in improving soil structure argillaceous become lighter , enlarging the power tie sandy soil so that no loose soil , improve drainage and good air in the soil so that the occurrence of oxygen flowing through soil pores , the soil will enhance the bonding power nutrient, provides good food for the microbes to plants , decrease the activity of microbial pathogens and increase the water binding capacity of soil is characterized by loose and does not harden. In addition to the above direct benefits , of course, compost is helpful to farmers and crop conditions pehobbies limited and expensive chemical fertilizers ( Urea , SP , KCL ) . Even for ornamental and landscaping plants and medicines rather than because of price considerations , it is recommended to use fully the use of compost . The content of essential medicines in plants will be higher compared with the drug when fertilizing crops using chemical fertilizer and urea .