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Pupuk Buah l Pupuk Kayu HTI l Pupuk Albasia l Kompos l Mesin Pupuk Organik - www.kencanaonline.comPupuk Buah l Pupuk Kayu HTI l Pupuk Albasia l Kompos l Mesin Pupuk Organik -
 Sell:Komposter Elektrik Biophoskko® KE 100L  Sell:Pupuk Tablet NPKMg Formula Fleksibel  Sell:Mineral Penggembur Pada Dekomposisi Sampah Organik ( GP 2)  Sell:Mikroba Pengurai Limbah Organik Domestik, Septic Tank dan Tambak ( GP 1)  Sell:Mesin Pengolah Limbah Padat ( Hand Rotary )  Sell:Mesin Pengolah Limbah Padat ( RKE 1000L)  Sell:Mesin Pengolah Limbah Padat ( RKM 1000L)  Sell:Pupuk ( 20 Pack ) Gramafix® Buah [ Fertilizer For Fruits ]  Sell:Pupuk ( 20 Pack ) Gramafix® Sayuran Umbi [ Fertilizer for Root Crops ]  Sell:Pupuk ( 20 Pack) Gramafix® Sayuran Biji [ Peas & Beans Fertilizer]  Sell:Pupuk ( 20 Pack) Gramafix® Kacang [ Fertilizer For Nut ]  Sell:Pupuk ( 20 Pack) Gramafix® Sayuran Daun [ Leafy Fertilizer]  Sell:Pupuk Kompos Green Phoskko®  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Tanaman Hias [ Ornament Plant Fertilizer]  Sell:Pupuk Formula Spesifik Tanaman HTI [ Timber Fertilizer Tablet ]  Sell:Komposter Biophosko® Compost Bin [ S]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Teh [ Tea Fertilizer ]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Karet [ Rubber Tree ]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Kopi [ Coffee Fertilizer ]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Cengkeh [ Clove Fertilizer ]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Kakao [ Cocoa Fertilizer ]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Padi [ Fertilizer for Rice Paddy ]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Mente [ Fertilizer for Cashew ]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Jagung [ Corn Fertilizer ]  Products Catalog:Pupuk Formula Gramafix® [ Specific Fertilizer ]  Sell:Komposter Biophosko® Compost Bin [L]  Sell:Komposter Biophosko® Compost Bin [M]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Sawit [ Palm Oil Plant Fertilizer ] 
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Jl. Griya Bhakti Praja K.14 Mangunjiwan
Demak 59515, Jawa Tengah

Kantor Pusat Jl. Pungkur No 115 B Bandung, T. Kontak + 62-22-4262235-4262253, HP. 081572527115- 811208648
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Pupuk Tablet Formulasi Gramalet
Pupuk Tablet Formulasi GramaletPupuk majemuk lengkap Formulasi Gramalet® - Compound Fertilizer adalah pupuk dengan komposisi unsur hara diformulasi dan diproduksi secara fleksibel disesuaikan dengan jenis tanaman dan kondisi kesuburan lahan pelanggan. Namun untuk memudahkan pelanggan, Gramalet - Compound Fertilizer dikatagorikan menjadi 3 merk berdasar kelompok formulasi yaitu :
Pertama, Gramalet adalah pupuk majemuk lengkap berbentuk tablet dengan komposisi kandungan unsur hara disesuaikan dengan jenis tanaman dan kondisi spesifik kesuburan lahan pelanggan. Pelanggan memesan ukuran tablet maupun formula berdasarkan pada keperluan pemupukannya dengan memperhitungkan kondisi kesuburan lahan, jenis tanaman dan fase pertumbuhan tanaman;
Kedua, Merk Gramafix® adalah pupuk majemuk lengkap berbentuk tablet dengan komposisi unsur hara telah diperhitungkan berdasar analisis jaringan dan daun yang menyatakan kebutuhan hara per jenis tanaman;
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Pupuk Formula Spesifik Tanaman HTI [ Timber Fertilizer Tablet ]


Fertilizer tablet formulations manufactured with flexible Gramalet specification ( based formula order / flexible) which is based on land fertility conditions, species, growth....
Pupuk ( 20 Pack ) Gramafix® Sayuran Umbi [ Fertilizer for Root Crops ]

Rp 150.000,- Per karton isi 20 Pack (Loco Bandung)

Gramafix ® Sayuran Umbi as fertilizer specific formula for tuber and root crops like : onion, edible tuber, potato, casiavera, sweet potato, cassava, flower gardening, carrots, ....
Pupuk ( 20 Pack ) Gramafix® Buah [ Fertilizer For Fruits ]

Rp 150.000,- Per karton isi 20 Pack (Loco Bandung)

Gramafix ® Buah as compound fertilizer formula special fruits plants, like : mangos, orange, gujava, banana, apple, mangistan, star fruit, lychee, hamlet. etc. Itâ € ™ s contain....
Pupuk Gramafix® Teh [ Tea Fertilizer ]


Gramafix ® Teh ( Tea Fertilizer ) as complete fertilizer formulation special for tea plants. Itâ € ™ s contain complete essential ingredient such as macronutrient ( N= 19, P= 10, K= ....
Pupuk Gramafix® Sawit [ Palm Oil Plant Fertilizer ]


Gramafix ® Sawit - as compound fertilizer formulating special for palm oil plants and other palm tree group like coconut tree, palm ornament plant, areca nut. It' s contain....
Pupuk Gramafix® Karet [ Rubber Tree ]


Gramafix ® Karet ( Rubber Trees Compound Fertilizer ) as fertilizer formulating special for rubber trees plant. Gramafix compund fertilizer contain complete essential ingredient....
Pupuk Gramafix® Kopi [ Coffee Fertilizer ]


Gramafix ® Kopi ( Coffee Compound Fertilizer Specific ) as complete compound fertilizer formulating specific for Coffee plant. Its contains complete nutrient ingredient such as....
Pupuk Gramafix® Padi [ Fertilizer for Rice Paddy ]

PM (Pro Memory)

Gramafix ® Padi Palawija ( Rice Paddy and Staple Food Crops Fertilizer) as compound fertilizer formulating specific for rice paddy and staple food crops like grain, rice plant, ....
Pupuk Gramafix® Mente [ Fertilizer for Cashew ]

PM (Pro Memory)

Gramafix ® Mente ( Cashew Complete Compound Fertilizer Specific) as complete compound fertilizer formulation special for mende cashew tree plant. It' s contain complex or complete....
Pupuk Gramafix® Jagung [ Corn Fertilizer ]

PM (Pro Memory)

Gramafix Jagung as a complete compound fertilizer formulation specific for corn plants crop. Itâ € ™ s contain complete essential ingredient such as macro nutrient Nitrogen, ....
Pupuk Gramafix® Kakao [ Cocoa Fertilizer ]

PM (Pro Memory)

Gramafix ® KaKao as compound specific fertilizer formulation special for cocoa plants. Its contain complete ingredient such as macro nutrient NPK ( Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Kalium/ ....
Pupuk ( 20 Pack) Gramafix® Sayuran Biji [ Peas & Beans Fertilizer]

Rp 150.000,- Per karton isi 20 Pack (Loco Bandung)

Gramafix ® Sayuran Biji as a compound fertilizer formula special for of kind peas and beans vegetable crops fertilizing needed. The group of Peas and Beans are like hot chili and....
Pupuk Gramafix® Cengkeh [ Clove Fertilizer ]


Gramafix Cengkeh ( Clove Specific Compound Fertilizers) as fertilizer formulation special for clove plants. Its fertilizer contain complete essential ingredient such as macro....
Pupuk ( 20 Pack) Gramafix® Sayuran Daun [ Leafy Fertilizer]

Rp 150.000,- Per karton isi 20 Pack (Loco Bandung)

Gramafix ® Sayuran Daun as compound fertilizer formula specific for leafy vegetable crops, like : green peas, soybean, peanuts , cabbage, cauliflower, mustard greens, lighter....
Pupuk ( 20 Pack) Gramafix® Kacang [ Fertilizer For Nut ]

Rp 150.000,- Per karton isi 20 Pack (Loco Bandung)

Gramafix ® Legume fertilizer formula specific for legume crops like : corn, peanuts , kidney beans, green beans, peanuts, etc. Its contain complete essential nutrient such as....
Pupuk Gramafix® Tanaman Hias [ Ornament Plant Fertilizer]

Rp.150.000,- Per Karton Isi 20 Pack @ 250 gr

Gramafix ® as a compound fertilizer formula special for of kind flowers fertilizing needed. The group of flowers are like rose, jasmin, etc. Its contain complete nutrient such as....
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