Specification :
Prostate cancer > < VCO - recovered in 2.5 months
Treating Prostate Cancer without surgery, without side effects, without the expensive cost. Enough to drink 1-3 times a day 1-3 tablespoons Laura VCO
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Urination becomes tiring for Hendarto activity. Slowly dripping urine with indescribable pain. Like water out of the tap is blocked. Entrepreneurs in Pamulang, Tangerang, was thought Anyang-anyangan. However, when 3 months later not go away, he checked himself kerumahsakit. Doctors diagnose prostate hyperplasia.
Medical experts to give a solution: surgery. Unfortunately, Hendarto refused because of fear adverse erectile dysfunction. 7 children' s father hopes rested on the healing medicine doctors. However, difficult to grasp despite healing drugs consumed discharged. That' s when he turned 60 years old on virgin coconut oil ( VCO) aka pure coconut oil.
Routinely consume VCO 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 2 months to end prostate. Hendarto not the only sufferer cured prostate after consuming VCO. In Denpasar, Bali, there is Mad Gani the same fate. Retired PT Angkasa Pura' s almost an operation to cure prostate. Fortunately, when the relatives in Malang, East Java, suggests drinking VCO.
Recover coincidence? Wait. The results of clinical trials that followed Prof. Dr. Dr. Susilo Wibowo, SpAnd dismissed that notion. This means that the rich oil Lauric acid is scientifically proven to overcome the disease of men. Andrology specialists that conduct clinical trials on 50 patients prostate. The selection of patients samples randomly determined based on the willingness of patients taking VCO.
Heal faster
The number of patients in the test was more than enough. According to Dr. Probosuseno SpPD from Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, to see the effects of a drug must be tested at least 30 patients. They-the patients who were respondents in prostate-consuming VCO must be continuous, the right dose during therapy ( 3 times a tablespoon a day) , and routine check-up every two weeks.
Patients are not grouped according to severity. Therefore, the average check-up of patients who suffered from chronic prostate and experienced similar symptoms: are married and have not had children and premature ejaculation. Rector of Diponegoro University was still administering drugs commonly consumed as Doxiciclin prostate patients, TMP-SMZ, Quinolon, and Kanamicyn. VCO consumed 2 hours pascakonsumsi medical drugs.
Checking patients aged over 30 years that every 2 weeks. They come from Semarang, Tegal, and Brebes-all in Central Java Province. Clinical trials since August to October 2005. The result? With the addition of VCO recovery rate reached 97% ; without VCO, 70% . Once the healing period 1985-1995 the percentage of 87-90% . Percentage decrease was due to present a lot of fake drugs in circulation. The entire prostate drug production abroad.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Susilo said, prostate infection heal faster than the average duration of treatment with modern medicine ( without the addition of VCO) . Prostate treatment usually takes 3-4 months. The average patient who consumed cured prostate VCO within 2.5 months. Indeed there are patients who recover within a month.
Of 50 patients, only one who did not recover. The possibility that does not heal due to autoimmune thus continually inflamed prostate condition, said professor of Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University.
The figure is very small prostate gland, size of a walnut or marble. Location of male genital organs soft circular bladder neck and base of the penis. Bind prostate or urethral ureter lower sperm unite with the flow channel of the second balls.
When the prostate is swollen, causing urethral pressure. Therefore, urine hard to get out and accumulate in the bladder. How clogged pipes so that water flow is difficult.
Bi Doctor Ahmad Utomo H Gas Station, the director of the General Hospital of Islam Kustati Solo, said if the flow of urine is less than 10 cc per second is called the prostate. Ideally, a minimum of 15 cc per second. As the prostate grows, thus narrowing the flow of urine out blocked. Why prostate enlarged? Urological surgeon Airlangga University alumnus, said genetic factors contributed only derivative aka 20% chance.
According to Dr. Agus Setiawan SpU from Jakarta Friendship Hospital swollen prostate, hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone ( DHT) with the help of the enzyme 5 a reductase. DHT that is charged trigger the growth of prostate cells are out of control. Urology specialists were revealed, the imbalance between estrogen, testosterone is thought to contribute to trigger prostate hyperplasia. Levels of testosterone decreases as men age; estrogen, is relatively fixed.
Susilo said the prostate can also be caused by bacteria, viruses, and the entry of urine into the organ. Bacteria and viruses cause prostate infection and pus, the doctor said it was 52 years old. Other factors, the imbalance between the number of new prostate cells and that apoptosis aka dead. Well, reduced the number of cells undergoing apoptosis thus increasing the amount of mass, aka the prostate swells up to 2-fold.
Membengkaknya prostatic hyperplasia is called. According to Dr. Ahmad Bi Utomo H filling stations in the world of medicine known 2 hyperplasia: Benign prostate is called benign prostate tumors aka hipertropi; malignant, carcinoma of the prostate or prostate cancer. Prostate carcinoma is a potentially metastesis or spread to other parts of the body, including bone mengeroposkan. Unfortunately, patients are reluctant to seek treatment so that the homeland of prostate cases continues to increase.
How to sit the case of the virgin cure prostate? According to Susilo, the role of VCO increases endurance against infection. So, no direct cure prostate infection. VCO consumed and digested by the digestive system. Meanwhile, in his own body there is no link between the digestive tract with prostate, says Sydney University' s alumnus.
The average patient who consumed cured prostate VCO within 2.5 months. Indeed there are patients who recover within a month.
If you had to have surgery, for example, patients had to pay thousands of dollars. Although the role of prostate infection cure, according to the VCO Susilo still can not be called a drug because of side by side with other modern medicine. VCO only as additional food or supplements. Zainal Gani argued otherwise. VCO is a drug that can kill viruses and bacteria. Remarkably VCO, the deadly virus and the human body as nutrients. That' s incredible.
Whatever it' s called, no problem. The important thing is the virgin oil has proven himself as a healer prostate. Disease was the scourge of Adam with age. At the age of 50 years, risk of prostate 50% ; 60 years, 60% . The virgin is not only powerful to overcome prostate. However, claims for other diseases have demonstrated through a series of research. ( Sardi Duryatmo / covering: Imam Wiguna & Vina Fitriani)
What is prostate cancer?
Indonesian From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Prostate cancer
Classification and external materials
Prostate cancer is cancer that develops in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. This occurs when prostate cells mutate and begin to grow out of control. These cells may spread from the prostate metastasis to other body parts, especially bones and lymph nodes. Dapa prostate cancer cause pain, difficulty urinating, erectile dysfunction and other symptoms.
The number of prostate cancer vary widely in the world. However, rare in East and South Asia; often occurs in Europe and the United States. [ 1] According to the American Cancer Society, prostate cancer most often in Asian men and most often occurs in black people, and the Europeans in the middle. [ 2)
[ 1] ^ Worldwide IARC Cancer Incidence Statistics-Prostate. JNCI Cancer Spectrum. Oxford University Press. Retrieved on 2007-04-05 through the Internet Archive
[ 2] ^ Overview: Prostate Cancer-What Causes Prostate Cancer? American Cancer Society ( 2006-05-02) . Retrieved on 4007-04-05