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Jogja Coconut Center - Repindo Amengku Bawana
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    Virgin Coconut Oil obat Wasir ambeien haemoroid

    Virgin Coconut Oil obat Wasir ambeien haemoroid

    Rp 30,000
    Quantity Order:
    Payment Method:
    Telegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order, Bank Cheque
    Pack. & Delivery:
    140 ml botol PET transparant

    Specification :

    For more information

    + 62 274 7407 588
    + 62 813 279 3636 7
    + 62 815 6666 050

    http: / / laura-vco.blogspot.com / or
    http: / / lauravco.wordpress.com /

    jhardoyo@ yahoo.com or
    jhardoyo@ gmail.com

    1-3 tablespoons 1-3 times daily

    My experience on this hemorrhoid maybe useful for all patients. I suffer from hemorrhoids is a long time, the 1990s, beginning when and after defecate must have felt sore and sick, for lthe next time I was blooding, and getting worse, blood emanates like a spring, my white toilet became red, I am afraid that until loss of blood. Consultation with doctors , they did not recommend a surgery, find another alternative.

    Finally in 2004 I accidentally became a trial of virgin coconut oil, thank' s God one night only and tomorrow morning is my hemorrhoids very much reduced, and within one week of my recovery. Without surgery, without side effects, without the cost of very expensive, just Rp 5000 only ( that time) .

    Incredibly, only minor items that often maligned bad oil, oil cholesterol - was very very effective. In fact, my total cholesterol greater than 300 mg / dl of blood which always drink lipitor 10 mg once a day - go well, and not just stop there, I like acne pigmentation on the neck and face disappeared, even the wart on his right ring finger since the 70s hanging out there, too disappeared. Incredible.


    http: / / laura-vco.blogspot.com/ 2009/ 11/ obati-haemor oid-wasir-ambeien-with.html

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