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Jogja Coconut Center - Repindo Amengku Bawana
Jogja Coconut Center - Repindo Amengku Bawana
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    Weight Loss ( menurunkan berat badan)

    Weight Loss ( menurunkan berat badan)

    Rp 30,000
    Quantity Order:
    Payment Method:
    Telegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order, Bank Cheque
    Pack. & Delivery:
    140 ml bottle

    Specification :

    For more information

    + 62 274 7407 588
    + 62 813 279 3636 7
    + 62 815 6666 050

    http: / / laura-vco.blogspot.com / or
    http: / / lauravco.wordpress.com /

    jhardoyo@ yahoo.com or
    jhardoyo@ gmail.com

    New year promo only Rp 20, 000

    1-3 tablespoons 1-3 times daily

    Many experts pointed to the coconut oil diet blamed for causing obesity. It was also attended by specialists in internal medicine who also often written as a taboo to eat in the recipes. Who did not lose again, even par chemists often say that coconut oil contains a lot of saturated fatty acids that are not good for the body. And assuming it is not all true.

    MCFA is the largest component of the fatty acids in coconut oil. However, these fatty acids are not used in the form of lipoproteins and not circulated in the bloodstream like other fats, but sent directly to the heart, and then converted into energy. These fatty acids are also easily digested and absorbed by the intestine because dindinh relatively small molecular size. Thus, to reduce the work pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, liver, and does not make fat accumulate in the body.

    When eating pure coconut oil, use it to direct the body to produce energy, not storing in adipose tissue as body fat. Ingredients MCFA found in coconut oil can reduce fat, reduce fat, and also encourages the burning of LCFA ( long chain fatty acids) cause of obesity. Moreover, MCFA may also alter the metabolism into a higher level and burn more calories the body that are not consumed.

    Various studies have shown the benefits of health Lauric acid. Lauric acid and saturated fat asm beranati other short-and medium-acid kaprat, kaprilat, and Myristic-contained in coconut oil was also able to overcome being overweight or obese.

    Studies show that turnover eksperimantal soybean oil to coconut oil can lose weight significantly. This can be explained that eating blinking oil, saturated fatty acids directly burned by the body and produce energy.

    Chain saturated fatty acids are found in coconut oil that arrives in the digestive tract quickly absorbed by the intestinal wall without having to experience first hydrolysis process. Furthermore, saturated fatty acids can masukmengikuti blood flow to the heart to be taken to metabolized. In contrast to soybean oil that contains long-chain fatty acids, the body dumped in the form of fat that can not directly burn the body and absorbed, leading to obesity.

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