Specification :
Your Ulcer chronic? ? Broken bones? ? ? Sore joints? bone loss? do not be sad now no cure Gamat FIT, 100% Gamat.
The function, to treat Osteoporosis, arthritis, fractures, chronic ulcer, hemorrhoid DLL
Composition, Gamat 100%
Gamat is organic food-eating animals that live towing and have the privilege to regenerate cells
Gamat-Cell Growth Factor contains all the amino acids, all minerals, all vitamins Kec vit K
Gamat is a complete and unique supplement for the health of the human body. It contains substances such as gamma efficacious than Gammat Yanda peptides known as cell growth factor that has the ability to accelerate cell growth, bone, collagen, and skin, fatty acids such as EPA and DHA useful as wound healing agents and antithrombin agents useful in reducing the occurrence of freezing blood flow.
This product is also enriched with antioxidants that help reduce damage to cells and tissues such as vitamin E, beta carotene, and Genistein.
Genistein are isoflavones found in soybeans that have activity reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer and aging.
The results showed that Gammat efficacious prevent allergies, reduce inflammation and swelling, and raise blood vessels. This product is also efficacious against the disease special sinusitis, overcome fatigue, improve immune function and enhance fertility for both men and women.