Specification :
Lung cancer? cervical cancer? throat cancer? brain cancer? Tumors? cysts? do not worry! ! ! now there is a solution! ! ! ! Rodent tuber is traditionally used to help treat a variety of tumor and cancer, reduce the effects of chemotherapy and drugs to neutralize toxins,
People know many rats as taro taro tubers which could become one of the ingredients for the food. Kind also vary. In Papua, taro became the staple food. However, different mouse taro again from the ordinary. Keladi more rats used as material for traditional medicine. Typhonium flagiliforme start a lot and is increasingly recognized as a material for drug eradication of breast cancer.
Why is it called " taro rat" ? This is because the size is smaller than usual taro. Size mencapao height of 10 to 45 centimeters. The part that is more like a rat animal is a crown of white flowers, small long-shaped, similar to rats.
Wet trunked plant is widely grown in the open at an altitude of 1, 000 meters above sea level. Single leaf emerges from the tuber. Shape rounded leaves with pointed tip, heart-shaped. Fresh green color. These mice taro tuber rounded average of nutmeg. The inside and outside the white bulb. For breeding, can use the tubers or seedlings that grow from tubers. In the dry season, the trunk disappeared. While in the rainy season, this umbuhan reappear above ground level from tubers buried in soil.
According Potopoy Pasau that many use taro mice as traditional medicine, the plant is leafless in the summer. Therefore, he sometimes found it difficult to find. He claimed, for traditional medicine, he did not mengembangbiakan own, but looking at places where the growth of taro these mice.
Rodent tuber plants have Latin names Thyponium flagelliforme ( LODD) . Included into the plant family Araceae. Plants that have a foreign name Rodent Tuber has been used by residents of our neighboring country, Malaysia, as a cancer drug.
Results of research from various institutions and universities in Malaysia and some countries have shown that the plant extract ( juice) can destroy cancer cells. In general, the results showed the effect of killing / inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, eliminate the adverse effects of chemotherapy and anti-virus & anti-bacterial nature.
Plant chemical content has not been widely known or not yet published. However, based on the literature that records the results of research and experience from generation to generation from various countries and regions, this plant can cure breast cancer, lung, colon, rectum, liver, prostate, kidney, cervix, throat, bone, brain, spleen, leukemia, bile and pancreas. In addition, based on experience from the use of information, this herb can be used to neutralize the toxic drugs.