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UD herbal utama- delivery order / Layanan langsung antar utk wil Jakarta dan Bekasi ( hari Libur di antar ) telp/ sms : 0856 80 977 54 , 021 4184 8127 Esia , 0852 10 979 979 Telkomsel , 0817854970 XL

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UD herbal utama- delivery order / Layanan langsung antar utk wil Jakarta dan Bekasi ( hari Libur di antar ) telp/ sms : 0856 80 977 54 ,  021 4184 8127 Esia ,  0852 10 979 979 Telkomsel ,  0817854970 XL
UD herbal utama- delivery order / Layanan langsung antar utk wil Jakarta dan Bekasi ( hari Libur di antar ) telp/ sms : 0856 80 977 54 , 021 4184 8127 Esia , 0852 10 979 979 Telkomsel , 0817854970 XL

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  • MADU SUPER ARAB- madu khusus kejantanan.


    Rp 70000,- , Rp 150000,-

    Virility special honey has a very high calorie content. calorific value of 5600 s / d 6660 / kg, with levels rata2 83 s / d 86% density.
    Special honey virility doproses up to 4 X....

  • Madu Habbatussauda Albarokah - obat segala penyakit

    Madu Habbatussauda....

    Rp 80,000,- harga eceran

    Habbatussaudah albarokah honey concoction of natural ingredients is composed of a mixture of pure honey, cumin habbasaudah black-olive oil-olive oil and other materials. To treat....

  • AMBEXTRA UNLERGO - herbal untuk mengatasi wasir / ambeien kronis dan menahun


    Rp 75,000,-

    You have a case / hemorrhoid disease who have for years been AMBEXTRA UNLERGO solution ..
    AMBEXTRA UNLERGO Working without a massage and surgery, eliminate bump - bump in & out....

  • MINYAK LINTAH / LEECH OIL - membantu mengatasi problem alat vital Pria

    MINYAK LINTAH / ....

    Rp 60.000,-

    Leech oil made from animal Sumatra leech option then soaked with a special potion, to issue zat2x contained in these leeches, require a fairly long process and required a....

  • ALKATEL - herbal penumbuh rambut

    ALKATEL - herbal....

    Rp 35,000 harga eceran

    Be prepared everyone is enamored with the appearance of healthy hair, more dense and shiny black that makes you more confident.


    With the New Formula worked from the....



    Rp 100.000 ,- ( pricelist )

    Chlorophyll Capsule! ! ! Chlorophyll Capsule! ! ! CHLOROFIL CAPSULS! !
    Indonesian herbal newest innovations ...
    It' s time for Indonesia to rise and shine with a product - the....

  • GREEN SHARK CHARTILAGE - TULANG RAWAN HIU ,  membantu pengobatan penyakit l kanker,  dll


    Rp. 100 000,. pricelist

    Good news
    for people with
    joints, rheumatism, and bone fragility.
    A number of diseases can be treated with food supplements
    containing shark cartilage ....

  • SARANG SEMUT - herbal / obat kanker dan penyakit lainnya

    SARANG SEMUT -....

    Rp 40.000

    SARANG SEMUT is one of hydnophytinae epiphytic plants ( Rubiaceae) which can be symbiotic with ants and it is said that these plants are epiphytes attached to the other plants but....

  • FIMATA ( KATAGLUKO) - herbal mata untuk mengobati katarak .glukoma dll


    Rp 65.000,-

    Fimata / Katagluko help overcome various diseases of the eye ( from within) , like a myopic eye, glaucoma, cataracts, watery eyes and eye Min / Plus.dll
    for best results you....

  • POWDER DATSE LOLLEN / MAYANG KURMA -Herbal / Obat mandul dan menambah kesuburan Pasutri


    Rp 60 000,-

    For those of you who want to have a child and child, has come the solution POWDER DATSE LOLLEN flower-bud powder dates.
    Palm-top flower-scented powder 100% exactly / similar to....

  • TONGKAT GURAH VAGINA / TGV - untuk masalah dan penyakit Vagina


    Rp 70.000,-


    is a traditional medicine that has proven able to make a vagina added peret, legit, pulsing like a virgin again.
    healed whitish / pektay, make....

  • BEAUTY MELLONS / BREAST UP CREAM - perawatan payudara,  membesarkan dan mengencangkan


    Rp 97 000,- HET

    SMALL BREASTS? Loose? AND DOWN? postpartum .. do not worry and low self-esteem! !
    BEAUTY MELLONS - maximize your charm
    Beauty Mellons useful to raise breast, breast tightening, ....

  • V - SPRAY - perawatan vagina

    V - SPRAY -....

    Rp 115, 000,- eceran

    Already Consciousness A Caring Wife Organ MORE fun femininity to her husband "
    Women are precious creatures which through the womb they are the offspring of a family routed.....

  • NATURE OIL ENLARGEMENT / NOE - perbesar PENIS dan menguatkan

    NATURE OIL....

    Rp 100.000,-( pricelist )

    Apply enlargement oil evenly on the shaft of the penis until the head of the penis, then gently massaged from the base towards the head, do it for 5-10 minutes. More rapid results....

  • KAPSUL GURAH ALBIRUNI - HERBAL GURAH bersihkan racun dan oksidan


    Rp26 000- dan Rp 50 000-

    Gurah capsule proved AlBiruni has sold more than 1 million bottles.
    Thousands of people have felt its efficacy is now your turn to prove it.
    AlBiruni Herbals natural treatment....

  • TALBINAH - mengobati Maag Kronis dan akut

    TALBINAH - mengobati....

    Rp 15 000

    Talbinah Made from wheat flour results of pure natural penggilngan Khasisat * Helps to cure all stomach disorders * get rid of heartburn in herbal, natural and Nabawi * shed fat....

  • GURAH ASSYIFA - kapsul gurah untuk mengatasi penyakit sinusitis ,  ispa ,  paru-2 dll


    Rp 30000,- ( pricelist )

    Gurah ASSYIFA-capsule, has been proven! ! ! Insha Allah gurah ASSYIFA can help treat diseases
    GURAH mucus is clear and who is dirty, toxic - contains many toxins and germs in the....

  • OTEM - herbal gurah mata untuk membersihkan dan mengobati berbagai keluhan mata

    OTEM - herbal gurah....

    Rp 25000,- ( price list )

    OTEM, is an herb for treating various eye diseases, cylinders, plus, minus, watery eyes, cataracts, glaucoma.
    OTEM gurah can also function as the eyes, clean the dirt on the lens....



    Rp 60,000,- pricelist

    TERAPI HERBAL KEMBALI GADIS is the best kind of Herbs to tighten Vaginal muscle and will provide special pulse in the vagina. Beside it also reduce the excessive

  • OBAHAMA - Herbal untuk obat asam urat dan rematik

    OBAHAMA - Herbal....

    Rp 45,000,- pricelist

    you people with gout and rheumatism and joint pain, do not have to worry anymore, now there is no cure., Capsule Obahama.
    Obahama also efficacious for treating diabetes, high....

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