Specification :
The detail information of this product, please review our website-----www.ht5158.com or email us to------haitongpower@ gmail.com.
à Product instruction:
Pronal ( flexible tank) is pillow-mat type with the following features: small size, light weight and easy transportation and assembling. It can replace traditional ironbox and tank, and was used to transport or temporarily store transformer oil during the transformer maintenance. This product can assure that oil donâ t contact with air and has neuter shielding film inside assured oilâ s purity and dryness.
à Product features:
1. Easy and quick installation and convenient maintenance;
2. Small size, compact structure ( can fold to 5% of its capacity on empty body) and easy transportation;
3. Strong resistance to climate;
4. Stored oil without danger of enrichment and evaporation;
5. Preserve purity and dryness of the oil;
6. Out of danger of environmental pollution.
à Product accessories:
1. The tanks from 1m3 to 20m3 include:
à A 2-inch-diameter connecting pipe seat with valve, half-symmetrical pipe interface and stopper;
à A quick adapter.
2. The tanks from 25m3 to 70m3 include:
à Two 2-inch-diameter connecting pipe seat with valve, half-symmetrical pipe interface and stopper;
à A quick adapter.