Specification :
dog Bullet Proof Vest
Special Features PREMIUM QUALITY
Webbing and elastic straps facilitate adjustment and enhance
Flexibility and low weight enables the armour to be worn comfortably
for long periods of duty with minimal restriction and distress.
Design Features
Two panel design offering ballistic protection to all of the canine' s vital organs if shot in the chest, back, under belly or sides. The design allows for interchange ability and upgrading of Armour
protection levels according to the operational requirements.
Coverage Areao:
Total coverage area of the Armor Panels in square metres is:
Size Medium Large X-Large
Total m2 0.35 0.38 0.42
Weight of the vest:
The complete set of Body Armor weights( kgs) :
Size Medium Large X-Large
NIJ II 2.00 2.30 2.70
NIJ IIIA 2.70 3.00 3.30
The Outer Garment and Armor Panels are guaranteed against
inferior quality materials and workmanship for a period of one and
five years respectively.
All of the components required for this set of Body Armor are manufactured in UK.
More information please don' t hesitate to contact with Armored Cars UK. Thanks