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APPKMI - Asosiasi Produsen Pupuk Kecil Menengah Indonesia ( Small and Medium Enterprises Association of Indonesian Fertilizer Producers )
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APPKMI - Asosiasi Produsen Pupuk Kecil Menengah Indonesia ( Small and Medium Enterprises Association of Indonesian Fertilizer Producers )
Contact Information
Mr. Sonson Garsoni, [Director/CEO/General Manager]
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Y!: sonsongarsoni 
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Phone number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, at Bandung West Java
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Mobile number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, at Bandung West Java
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Fax number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, at Bandung West Java
Jl Pungkur 115 B
Bandung West Java 40251, Jawa Barat
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Mineral Penggembur [ Bulking Agent ] [ GP-2]
PriceRp 35.000/ Pack 7 Kg
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T)
QuantityPer 7 kg Per Kemasan
Pack. & DeliveryKarung PP @ 7 Kg
Bulking ( Bulking Agent) Green Phoskko ® ( GP-2) , packed in PP bag each 7 kg / PP bags. is the starter for the composting of organic waste is made of various mineral substances to function as energy and raw material enrichment of nutrients in the process of decomposition of organic waste into compost. Functioning as a mixture of raw materials in the garbage or compost decomposition, useful as a starter in increasing the temperature for the continuity of life as well as in facilitating penggemburan microbial decomposition of organic waste or sewage treatment process. Bulking Agent is composed of bran, sawdust, aditive and ash and other materials with specific composition. In the process of scale reduction of household waste, use a bulking agent ( bulking agent) Green Phoskko taste ( can be used as a standard of 30 kg for 3 m3 ( 1 ton) garbage or 3 percent ( % ) of the weight of material addonan compost / trash) when the waste is ready to be processed in order decomposed.

Combine Bulking ( Bulking Agent) Green Phoskko ® into the trash and if maybe you have a composter Phoskko, stirring until evenly in the tube composter that every part of this bulking powders exposed garbage. With more and more uneven and inadequate, the faster the decomposition process, content and free from odor. Pengembur Phoskko ® Green ( GP-2) is safe to hold hands / exposed skin because it is made from mineral mining.

Composting is good and will run quickly influenced by, among others: water content, aeration ( oxygen availability in the composting material) , temperature, material size, material composition, the number of microorganisms and the acidity ( PH) . Bulking ( balking agents) Green Phoskko assist the preparation of material for achieving the right humidity, temperature rise acceleration ( starter) , neutralize the waste material that is generally moist and sour through the ability to raise the pH into the ideal conditions for composting ie 6, 5 to 7, 5. In other words helps conditioning the composting process to achieve the ideal so that decomposition can take place quickly, has a crumbly texture, it does not smell because of the role of zeolite and increase the mineral content and enrichment of nutrients for the content of the compost produced.

Project managers or owners of the authority and management authority cleanliness of the city ( Department of Sanitation, Hygiene PD) are highly recommended using a bulking agent in overcoming the smell of garbage in Garbage Disposal Temporary ( TPS) . Garbage smell of methane gas in the TPS-generated as a result of weathering process without oxygen ( an areobik) - will be neutralized by bulking Green Phoskko sow this in doses of 3% of the estimated weight of waste. Heavy trash can be estimated by measuring the volume of tanks TPS ( length x width x height) and then converted to the weight of rubbish about 1 / 5 times the volume. So if your TPS Tub Dimension size ( 3x2x2) means about 12 m3 will be equivalent to the weight of 2400 kg of waste and would require 120 kg bulking Green Phoskko this. After bulking given, give Green Phoskko compost activator is sprayed or splashed by as much as 1 kg of material after dissolved in water. Then the TPS can be closed mapun black plastic cover that is missing, the garbage in a few days in TPS will shrink to 65% , no smell, even in a state of polling locations free of rain will produce amilioran good for plants. It means we do the decomposition process in the polling station to neutralize the odor problem, watery, sticky became loose, shrink and dry in order to facilitate and lower the cost of transportation to the Final Waste Disposal ( Landfill) . Of origin require a double truck ( capacity 12 m3) to only about 1, 2 tons of weight or requires a single 4-wheel vehicles only.

Cost management of the procurement of 120 kg and 1 kg compost activator of Rp 600, 000, - can be covered by a reduction in transport costs from 12 m3 to 1, 2 tons of the above. Another benefit is the trash can be utilized as a amilioran for the yard and plant greenery in the city - if only previously sifted and separated from undegradable plastics and other materials, friable, odorless and dry no water spills out licit, thereby reducing the social problems of resistance and community resistance around the landfill - as long as it lasts.
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