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APPKMI - Asosiasi Produsen Pupuk Kecil Menengah Indonesia ( Small and Medium Enterprises Association of Indonesian Fertilizer Producers )
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APPKMI - Asosiasi Produsen Pupuk Kecil Menengah Indonesia ( Small and Medium Enterprises Association of Indonesian Fertilizer Producers )
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Mr. Sonson Garsoni, [Director/CEO/General Manager]
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Y!: sonsongarsoni 
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Phone number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, at Bandung West Java
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Fax number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, at Bandung West Java
Jl Pungkur 115 B
Bandung West Java 40251, Jawa Barat
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Mesin Pupuk Organik Granul[Nov. 14, 2010 18:36:28]
PriceRp 495.000.000,- ( exclude mobilisasi dan installment)
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T)
QuantityPaket Per 1 Unit Complete Knock Down (CKD)
Pack. & DeliveryPallet Kayu
Development of organic fertilizer is not as simple as managing the inorganic fertilizer ( synthetic chemical) - which has been equipped with the Indonesian National Standard ( SNI) and sophisticated machinery. The quality of organic fertilizers varies greatly depending on raw material ( raw materials) , water content and weave.

Many farmers are getting too expensive to buy, for organic fertilizer, because it was less useful, non-explanation quality can bring problems on lack of interest of farmers in the long term. Not to mention the matter of the volume of usage per hectare of land is large, ie more than 1 ton / ha of organic fertilizer. Conditions that would cause problems in efficiency due to transport from the factory to the location of the garden and from the roadside to the farmers' land. These problems will lead to difficulty in working capital of farmers, and ends at the reluctance of farmers using organic fertilizers.

Efforts addition of nutrients ( N, P, K) by mixing plant fertilizer ( chemical) in the process of making organic fertilizer, which is for example carried out by rogue companies to attract buyers, are at risk of increasing confusion organic quality. In addition, the benefits of organic fertilizer is not the addition of soil nutrients, except for some specific types of micro nutrients, but, the main thing is to improve soil fertility and biological physics.

Efforts to support the improvement of quality organic fertilizer, one of which, taken with the provision of machine tool for preparing organic fertilizer organic fertilizer so that farmers attract users. Next, the existence of technologies and sources of cheap raw materials for mixing in the enrichment ( enrichment) of nutrients. In the presence of machine tool technology BioPhosko, compost - as the largest raw material ( derived from organic waste in urban areas) - are available for the development of organic agriculture, can be served more practical, efficient and relatively cheap in the eyes of farmers.

Organic fertilizers derived from compost and other enrichment materials can now be made in various forms include bulk form rough, smooth bulk, tablets, pellets, briquettes, or granules.

The development of solid demand for the compost and on the consideration of ease of application of fertilizer, compost is now being formed granules. Forms of granule-like granular form mung bean shape sizes up to 2 mm to 4 mm, also allows the addition of other organic nutrients ( potassium source of palm bunch ash) , the source of P2O5 ( from Natural phosphates) and Carbon source ( increasing ratio of C / N from lignite or lignite) as well as plant growth regulator ( PGR) and microbial solvent.

A set of tools BioPhosko Granulator machine with a capacity of 1 ton / hour crusher consists of a material ( hammer mill) , 2 units of dryer ( dryer) , 1-forming granules ( pan granulator) and 2 units or separation size sieve ( sifter or screen tools) and 4 set of carrier ( conveyor belt) . Conveyor belt consists of 2 units for feeding granular material mixing organic fertilizer ( compost bulk, palm bunch ash, phosphate, microbial and zeolite and lignite) to the dryer ( dryer) equipped with a vibrator screen, 1 unit set into the granule conveyor dryer ( dryer) and 1 set as a carrier belt ( feeding) to a sieve ( sifter or screen) .

Drying aims to prepare the material to be easily crushed and pulverized by using a dryer ( rotary dryer) . Target moisture content of dry compost approximately 20 percent. Compost that has been dried and then milled with a milling machine ( hammer mill) to achieve the required level of smoothness compost at least 80 mesh.

Furthermore, the granulation process using a pan granulator. This tool is a rotating disc-shaped. Dish pan size can vary, but in this package pan granulator has a size 2.5 m.

The next step is drying granules to reach the level of 4 percent to 12 percent ( Ministry of Agriculture standard) or up to 20 percent ( for its own use.) After drying and then the feeder conveyor belt will carry into the sifting to separate the organic granular fertilizer to pass mesh 60 to 100.

And the last step, after sorting and drying is the packaging of organic fertilizer granules. Package sizes can vary, the choice of the volume of 5 kg, or 10 kg. Packaging can also use PE bags with the size of 25-30 kg.

Content of P and K nutrients in organic fertilizer granules only 1 to 5% only considering organic matter, based on empirical experience and even research, showed that the organic content of no more than 5% .
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