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Mr. Sonson Garsoni, IR [Director/CEO/General Manager]


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Mobile number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, IR at Bandung

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Fax number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, IR at Bandung


Jl. Pungkur No 115 B
Bandung 40251, Jawa Barat

Showroom & Workshop Jl Raya Banjaran No 222, Bandung Selatan 40376, Jawa Barat, + 62-812221160
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Gramalet ® fertilizer composition is formulated in a flexible based land fertility conditions. Formulation is based on an understanding of the needs of agricultural crops and Indonesia to the nutrient elements - that differ between the land of the other locations. Fertility of land in Indonesia in general there are elements of micro-famine conditions, however, contain phosphore ( P2O5) which does not effectively absorbed by the plants because other elements are bound to colloids. Based on this understanding, Gramalet ® fertilizer formulated based on the specific conditions of agricultural land where the plants grow. Farmer-planters assisted with land fertility test then presented the composition of the nutrient content in accordance with specific circumstances that land. For large plantations and agribusiness projects, data on the fertility of the land conditions have been generally well available.

For the plantation, we serve the provision of fertilizer began to prepare the composition of which has been tailored to specific conditions. We also supervise the application of fertilization, and fertilization of work in general; so we act as a contractor fertilizing your crops. Some guidelines planters, agribusiness entrepreneurs and companies in order to determine Gramalet ® formula is to look at the symptoms caused by a deficiency ( famine) nutrients, such as the following:

Lack of nitrogen ( N) :
Nitirogen is a key element in the car plants, therefore deficiency symptoms will begin in the leaves of the older. Menguningnya leaf symptoms. Sometimes accompanied by a change in leaf color became reddish as a result of the formation of " anthocyanin " .

Lack of Phosphorus ( P) :
Lack of phosphates ( phosphorus) will trigger the collapse of the leaf. Previous muculnya leaves showed symptoms of reddish or purplish color as a result of the formation of anthocyanins.

Lack of potassium ( K) :
Marked by the appearance of yellow spots on leaves, followed by death / " dry " tip and leaf edge. This incident started from the older plants.

Lack of Calcium ( Ca) :
Calcium deficiency causes damage to cells in the apical buds and leaves. This causes the shoots and leaves die. This condition often begins with the death ( " dry " ) the edge of young leaves.

Lack of Magnesium ( Mg) :
Muculnya indicated by patches of yellow on the leaves. Beginning in the leaves of the older was followed in leaves younger.

Lack of iron content ( Fe) :
Iron deficiency levels indicated by menguningnya leaves starting from the leaf tip. Leaves become very easy to break and transparent before detaching. Hygrophylla sp, and other water plants with rapid growth, the Fe kekuerangan conditions, this will show first symptoms compared to other crops.

Lack of Manganese ( Mn) :
Manganese deficiency is indicated by the leaf menguningnya bones among the leaves. While that leaves the bone sendiir remain green. The yellow part is going to die and leave the holes elongated shape. Mn deficiencies often occur as a result of excessive fertilization resulting Fe Mn become unavailable.

Lack Sulfur ( S) :
Sulfur deficiency characterized by menguningnya leaves. Begins with the young leaves first. Kada-sometimes accompanied by memerahnya leaves.

Lack of Copper ( Cu)
End of dead leaves and withered edges. ( Excess Cu can kill many plants, such as Vallisneria, Ludwigia, Sagitaria, etc.)

Zinc deficiency ( Zn)
Menguningnya the leaf between the bones of the leaf, on the edge and at the end of the old leaves.

Deficiencies Boron ( B)
Growing point died. The next crop will form side shoots, which then would die too quickly.

Lack of Molybdenum ( Mo)
Yellow spots on the cycle of bone between the older leaves first. Diikuiti with the formation of brown color on the edge of the leaf.

Lack of carbon dioxide ( CO2)
Leaves grow small, slow growth, and the appearance of rough whitish deposit on the leaf surface as a result of biogenic dekalsifikasi process.

With the knowledge of the symptoms of nutrient deficits and land fertility conditions, can then formulated specific nutrient content of the plants in a particular field location.

But we realize that farmers will generally have limited land fertility test, despite asking for help testing the quality of institutions can also cost quite expensive. Based approach is needed, taking the average nutrient requirements at various locations later in the present formula fertilizer for each plant specifically. Fertilizer tablets with a specific formula per plant, marketed by Brand Gramafix - as fertilizer formula.


Sonson Garsoni, Ir
+ 62-81572527115
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