Pupuk Majemuk Tablet Gramalet®[Oct. 18, 2010 22:31:18]
Fertilization aims to replace the missing nutrients carried harvest, volatilisasi, washing, fixation, and so on. Examples of land for rice, fertilizer N can be in the range of 100-150 kg N / ha or 200-300 kg urea / ha, depending on soil N, potential outcomes and the use of organic materials and bio-fertilizers ( biofertilizer) .
Flexible compound fertilizer formulas presented Gramalet tablet form 10 grams and 3 grams of the nutrient composition is presented based on the interests of fertilization purposes in certain locations at certain plants.
With the nutrient content of macro nutrient ( NPK) , secondary nutrient ( Mg, S, Ca) and micro-essential ( Fe, Zn, Mo, B, Bo, Cl) then, fertilizer formulations Gramalet dikatagorikan as complete compound fertilizer.
Using a complete compound fertilizer tablets ( PMLT) Gramalet, fertilizer demand is only equivalent to 30 to max 35% of the total weight of the amount / dose of a single fertilizer - as it is usually used by farmers ( Urea, SP and KCl) . The number of doses depends on the fertility level of each location, the more lean and current low soil nutrients contained will require higher doses than with the needs Gramalet on fertile land.
The low dose of fertilizer mixture Gramalet than single fertilizer ( Urea, SP, KCl) because of efficiencies gained from the form of tablets, embedded applications in the 10-15 cm depth and the characteristic properties of nutrients off slow ( slow release) to ensure not washed, will not be bound colloid chemistry and exposed to the evaporation of soil - as application of fertilizer sow ( prill) on the surface.
Detailed info ( including video applications) this product can be found at www.kencanaonline.com. Purchase a large amount ( minimum 1 FCL container, 16, 340 kg) .