Free Member

Free Member
Registration Date:
Jun. 25, 2024
Last Updated:
Jun. 11, 2015
Business Nature:
Service of Security & Protection category
Company Brief
Social conditions, Politics and Economy Indonesia is certainly broad impact and affects many aspects of people' s lives as well as joints. The conditions also greatly affect the security situation, which is one of the important pillars for the continuation of the activity of the general public as well as to the business world in particular.
   We are an outsourcing company that has provided services to various companies that partnered in providing solutions for our clients in the provision of qualified labor. We as a medium for the business world and the world of labor in bridging the needs of various parties, especially in the field of search in putting them accordingly. With good cooperation schemes, we seek a solution for the various parties in advancing the business world in Indonesia.
   Yabisa PT Sukses Mandiri ( Yass) start from the world of procurement services for guard / security which was named Yabisa Security Service ( YSS) , based in Jakarta, so we have been a partner for several companies in the provision of its workforce. Various improvements continue to be made in providing the best service for all parties. Cooperation has been done so far to produce a wide range of trust in the various parties, until we gain the trust of the world customergood and Building Materials. Currently Yass has been able to provide service to all areas ranging from energy security / security, administration, drivers, and sales.
   PT. Yabisa Sukses Mandiri as Vendor in the provision of energy services otsourcing nberkomitmen want to give satisfaction to customers and concentrate on the provision, management and development of Human Resources ( HR) . Company profile is presented to provide input and brief overview of the implementation of the operating system and provide optimal service to the institution / enterprise users who require a total solution services and labor supply through our professional services in labor requirements.