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    Coal business in Indonesia getting sunshine. The newly elected government in India needs around US$ 500 billion in infrastructure spending in the 5 years ending in fiscal year 2012. India is facing a shortage of about 25, 000 Mw power all by ways of peak hours. There are plans to add close to 78, 000 Mw of power all by ways of the current five-year plan.
    Some enormous Indian companies are making their best efforts to acquire mines overseas principally in Indonesia, South Africa, Mozambique, Australia etc. for their ambitious power projects in India. These days Indonesian law does not permit a remote company to directly acquire the mines. There is no clarity as to how foreign companies can have mining rights and begin production.
    Indonesia� s government needs to accelerate reforms and changes in mining and energy regulations developed to give direct control to foreign investors, in order to win confidence and attract/ invite radical international coal companies into Indonesia.
    Indonesia coal industry has come from nowhere to challenge Australia as the world� s major exporter of thermal coal and is expected in short to topple Australia as the major coal exporter. Indonesia� s strategic geographic location makes it the most preferred country for Indian companies for its proximity to the country, which means lower ocean freight charges and better timing compared to other countries such as Australia.
    Indonesian coal is exported around the globe, including to India, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, EU, US and China which itself is a radical coal producer but imports coal to meet the requirement of domestic industries.
    The growth in Indonesia� s coal exports reflects the aptitude of its coal industry to respond to the fast growth in Asian demand for thermal coal, helped by unconstrained transport and port capacity. A significant proportion of coal transport in Indonesia is water based, which permits for coal to be transported along rivers via barges to the open sea for loading onto larger vessels
    The quality of Indonesian coal is much better than Indian coal. The gross calorific value of Indonesian coal ranges between 5, 000 and 6, 500 kilo calories per kilogram ( kcl/ kg) ; while for Indian coal it is only 3, 000-4, 500 kcl/ kg.
    India� s ambitious plans to generate an additional 78, 000 Mw of power in 5 years may face hurdles if Indonesia goes ahead with plans to implement a domestic market activity ( DMO) policy to restrict coal exports to take care of domestic demand.
    India is today one of the fastest growing economies and also has a shortage of power supply. Indonesia is one of the peaceful countries with tremendous natural resources and exporting coal to lots countries for use in power plants for generating energy but it is paradoxical that Indonesia is short of energy. Lots Indian companies are capable of sharing power technology and placing up mega power plants in Indonesia.
    Indonesian private companies can pay for equity stakes in India� s power plants in exchange for long-term coal supply. Since India is today one of the fastest growing economies and also has a shortage of power supply then such deals can be beneficial to both parties.
    Some coal firm in Indonesia still welcome to tremendous investors from all around the world to take through or joint venture in coal business industry in Indonesia. Source
    Coal Mining Joint Operation
    Development industry coal mining in Indonesia now very attractive of investment from External state especially for mining business people in the world. Not even company of mining which is interested to have investment, but can also in civil. Many rich peoples in India, China, Korea, Japan, Russia, Australian, English, America diligently looks for data about opportunity for coal business investment in Indonesia.
    Service of international consultant also offers this investment opportunity to their clients. They also make data and notes important information about company of mining requiring fund investment for fluency of the business.
    To have investment in coal mining, you must true selective, and performs selection tightly about coal mine to you choose as business cooperation investment place.
    In Indonesia a lot of small scale coal mine, even if you diligently read information in internet like classified advertisement, online forum and advertisement in website mine will see the advertisement which offers this investment business opportunity. Following some tips from me to see the opportunity:
    1. Accurate of Data
    you must get data in accurate figure coal mine which opens cooperation opportunity joint operation. Who� s the owner of the mining and company permission in detail?
    2. Track Record
    Company of coal mining to you selecting must have track record business which are positive, when you join in joint operation has the business potency go on developing and getting profit.
    3. Human Resources
    Company of the coal mining has energy which professional, experienced and honest in minimum mining 5 years upward. Company management also has history of good relation with customers, local government and has next vision.
    4. Coal Prospect
    Company of the coal mining have had or served customer still or has had sale cooperation contract of coal with other company. When you perform investment, then your financing soon can be used by the company to perform activity of business.
    5. This important note
    The owners of company of mining in Indonesia is not interested to borrow fund or gets fund from loan institute like bank or financial institution , because they are not interested with high flower charges and old process. For small scale mining entrepreneur until middle, they hardly interested to look for business partner ready to invited cooperation joint operation. Fund which is needed for investment ranges from US $ 10 million until US $ 100 million, so if you interested for business in coal mining in Indonesia. You can use our tips to make consideration.
    We are ( WINDSTAR ENERGY) will always happy to assist you get information about cooperation joint operation. There is some company business partners of coal mining are looking for investors; you can get the data completely to study soon.
    Be interested to make investment in coal mining business in Indonesia, hopefully you successful build business here.
    Coal Mining Joint Ventures
    Development industry coal mining in Indonesia in the year 2010 so quick. Besides many big companies in the world which utilizes opportunity for investment opens coal mining business. Many companies distinguished Indian world, China, English, American, Australian, Arab, Malaysia, and Singapore intensively performs expansion.
    With regulation of government of Indonesia in investment process, then new regulation in mining area also regular and tighter. Local government in Kalimantan is very caring of investment, but they have new order to every new investor, especially money guarantee to process local reclamation.
    Do you interested to have coal mining business in Indonesia? Following there are some of the choices which able to you choose. We will give some guidance to you:
    1. Coal Mining for Takeover
    if you interested to buy coal-mine in Kalimantan. Many owners of local mine in Kalimantan which offers area of coal mining to buy. This opportunity nicely for your investment, heavily middle or small scale mines which able to you have with price range US $ 4 Million � US $ 10 Million. With complete licensing from government, legal document and price to go on going up in next year. You may directly buy for in exploration or you resistant as investment, and then of you process in next year.
    2. Coal Mining for Joint Venture
    Coal mine which opens joint ventures, there are some of the big and medium companies in Indonesia which opens investment for mining cooperation in joint ventures. This business cooperation it is of course suited for Company with Company. Mine cooperation in joint venture many in running a business amount of world which wish to have supply of coal for their business.
    3. Coal Mining for Joint Operation
    Local coal mining which opens investment for joint operation. Many companies of local mine in Kalimantan which operates medium scale , with good performance , growth of business either but difficulty to find investor partner from outside country ready to invited cooperation in joint operation. This business opportunity to enter to give investment in coal mining area by the way of joint operation.
    We have performed coal mining business tens of year, by supported by accurate data, good management and information relation with others miners. Till now we have had some of the important data which able to we share to you.
    In Our office there are some of the data� s draws about Coal mine readily for in takeover , data of company of coal readily for joint venture and many our partners who looks for coal investor to implement business by the way of joint operation.
    We invite you all to contact us; this is best opportunity for you and Your Company with investment in coal mining area in Indonesia.
    Safe with investment
    Coal often man calls this black gold in period to come will become alternative business opportunity the executive, proven company of board to have its the business tow in embers stone area, why because data indicates that the biggest money rotation in coal. Therefore this opportunity increasingly in invades by side.
    The side of company which has big capital will take it. This thing will also followed supply of coal in Indonesia also increases, this business now starts to draw up location which obstetrical potency of coal of height, especially in archipelago of Kalimantan represents first target as location to buy location readily to exploration. Then opportunity of gold for company which knows this thing.
    At period to come, Indonesia coal production there estimated would continuously increase, not just too full fill requirement in country ( domestic) , but also to fulfill overseas request ( export) .
    This thing remembers Indonesia coal resource which still overflow, on the other hand price of BBM which remain to be high, claim industry which during the time with oil fuel to change over to use coal. Have plan of development of new PLTU in and outside Java Island with total capacity 10.000 MW, product increase cement every year, and increasingly growth industry, other industry like paper industry ( pulp) and textile industry represents request indication in country will be more increasing. And so do the things off with request of coal from importer nations results production will be more increasing. With the thing, government releases Policy of National Energy ( KEN) through PPNO.5 Year 2006 as renewal of Plane Common Wisdom of Energy ( KUBE) the year 1998. KEN has a purpose major to create security and safety of supply of national energy in with continuation and exploiting of energy efficiently, and realized by ( energy hotchpotch ( energy optimal mix) in the year 2025.
    For the purpose dependency to one energy source type like BBM must be lessened with utilizing alternative energy source among others coal. For supports goal achievement of national energy hotchpotch which is targeted by government, one of it are perform coal study nationally to know condition of resources, company, and exploiting of coal, and it� s ( the problems, which applicable to make necessary actions. And to support the study need to perform first building national coal data base from result of good data collecting of secondary or primary.
    Therefore it� s ( the business potency will also increasingly good and promises businessmen, very important to develop. Data of central research and development mineral technology and embers stone)
    East Kalimantan has considerably big embers stone potency. Embers stone potency in east Kalimantan now estimated by around 19, 567 trillion ton and reserve of embers stone reach 2, 410 trillion ton. While embers stone production in east Kalimantan in the year 2004 then only around 66 million tons and in the year 2005 around 80 million tons. It is not strange if mining of embers stone becomes good player east Kalimantan as local income contributor.
    Head of Office of Mining and Energy East Kalimantan, Ir H Syaiful Bahri MM tells, every year embers stone production in east Kalimantan is of course increasingly enough significant. In the year 1990 s ( he said, embers stone production in new east Kalimantan around 877.240 tons, but in the year 2000 has reached 38.116.068 tons and in the year 2003 becoming 57.053.960 tons.
    Further explained, as a whole embers stone production in east Kalimantan has reached 292.716.720 thereby there are still around 21, 69 trillion embers stone in east Kalimantan. Till now embers stone in east Kalimantan ( he said, exported to some Asia countries like Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and Taiwan and to Australian. In export state embers stone more utilized as energy generator.
    � Have it is better we also utilize resources this embers stone for area. For example for power plant. Till now like the one we know Indonesia still experience electric energy crisis. Want to use other diesel fuel and fuel of course expensive and embers stone can become alternative.
    National coal production go on experiencing development is very significant. In the year 1992 noted by 22, 951 million tons, rising becomes 151, 594 million tons in the year 2005, or average rising 15.68% per year if it assumed years. Coming year follows tendency ( trend) the above then condition the year 2025 productions will increase to become 628 million tons.
    From consumption side, till now coal market segment in country followed PLTU, industry middle industry cement to small industry and family, in range of time 1998. 2025 coal consumptions in country developed to 13.29% . Condition now ( 2005) coal consumptions there noted 35, 34-35, 34 million tons. Between it 71.11% consumed by PLTU, 16.84% consumed by industry cement and 6.43% consumed by industry paper. From the character and existence of plan of exploiting of coal passes development? Expansion of technology UBC, gasification and liquefaction, then projected the year 2025 requirements of coal in country will reach around 191.130 million tons.
    While from Trend export of coal which its improvement is very significant around 16.00% per year, then estimated the year 2025 projected will reach 438 million tons. The condition is not expected because do not in parallel with plan of development of coal in Indonesia. For the year 2025 numbers of plan of production 318 billion tons to full fill requirement in country 214 billion tons and to full fill overseas request 104 billion tons.
    Difference key of the two projections lays in sale abroad. Therefore so that plan of development of Indonesia coal earns teralisation. Then need to make policy of operation of production through demarcation of sale to country probe and supply guarantee for requirement in the country written in bond must be executed.
    There are several kinds of coal in our business:
    � Buyer purchase cash to us ( Fob Barges)
    � Buyer buys coal with SKBDN or L / C at sight ( Fob Barges)
    � Buyer buys coal to us with a system direct payment in Stock Pile agreed in cash.
    � Buyer buys buy with SKBDN / L / C at sight ( Fob Vessel) along with Pegasus Holding company wish to give sale service of coal to all Asia regions with is as good as possibly. We have own mining in Kalimantan with support of company of big mining.
    Empirically in coal mining business which sufficiently long we have reputation and commitment strong for always serving every coal buyer very well.
    Price of coal which we specified not expensive and are very suited for long range contract. By supported by company of mining of our amount can coal supply of 50.000 mt / month up to 200.000 mt / month.
    With coal calorie GCV ADB 5500 � 5300 Kcal , GCV ADB 5800 � 5600 Kcal , 6300 � 6100 Kcal , 6500 � 6300 Kcal.
    Our market is Asia region. Now our coal has been sent to various States like : India , Malaysia , Philippines , Hong Kong , Taiwan , Japan , China , South Korea , Thailand.
    We focus to supply coal to big company in business likes Electrical Power Company, Company of Cement, Company of Steel, Company of Sugar, Company of Paper, Company of Textile, and Company of Chemical which wish to get Supply of Indonesian steam coal.
    Very good prices for long term contracts. Let� s doing business with us

    for more information please send by email : windstarinvestment@

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