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Name:Mr. muhammad junaidi
E-mail:Send Message
Instant Messaging:
LINE: muhammadjunaidi93@gmail.com muhammadjunaidi93@gmail.com
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. muhammad junaidi at MATARAM
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. muhammad junaidi at MATARAM
Address:MATARAM, Nusa Tenggara Barat
Average User ReviewThere is no review for this company - Write a review
Registration Date:Jun. 25, 2024
Last Updated:Sep. 22, 2015
Business Nature:Trade, Service, Organizations of Industrial Supplies category

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Company Brief

We company Wholesale & Ritail moving in Sindh:
1.Custumer food and beverage goods.
2.Herbs COSMETIK, hair, beauty, health and obat2an tool.
3.Pertanian, plantation, forestry, marine and household industries.
4.Mebel, electronics, building materials and housing.
5.Reservasi ticket air, sea, land, hotel and tourism.
6.Penyewaan Bus / Car for tourism.
7.Barang arts and crafts.
9.Jual beli minyak goreng limbah untk diolah menjadi bio solar
10.jerigen, kaleng, kardus bekas
11.barang rongsokan
12.Bongkaran kantor , hotel dan gedung
Where we' ve been preparing the means of support for smooth equalization distribution with personil2 who qualified in their field, with line-me and and experienced users.
Our purpose here is dikripsi about remedy invite entrepreneurs, investors, and industry together to remedy a business venture and trade remedy area of West Nusa Tenggara/ Lombok.Development within our region in a very rapid development process.
So that I can say, great expectations of our remedy can work with the brother / sister.

JL Sesela.Gg Arjuna no 2.

Contac person:
muhammadjunaidi93@ gmail.com

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