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Mrs. Sri Kriswari [Owner/Entrepreneur]
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Jl Elang, Blok A10/22, Pondok Pekayon Indah, Bekasi
Bekasi 17148, Jawa Barat
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DAUN SAGA Obat Herbal Sariawan,  panas dalam,  batuk,  bronchitis,  serak,  amandel - tazakka

Price : 30000

Price: 30.000/ botol

Contents: 80 capsules

Manufacturer: Tazzaka Group

Composition: Leaf Saga ( Abrus Precatorius)

MOH license: P. IRT No.. 313331105058

DAUN JOMBANG Obat Herbal Radang payudara,  empedu,  maag,  memperbanyak ASI,  kanker / tumor payudara - tazakka

Price : 30000

Price: 30.000/ botol

Contents: 80 capsules

Manufacturer: Tazzaka Group

Composition: Taraxacum Mongolicum

MOH license: P. IRT No.. 313331105058

Certificate Halal MUI....
DAUN MIMBA Obat Herbal Kencing manis,  malaria,  lever,  kanker,  jerawat - tazakka

Price : 30000

Price: 30.000/ botol

Contents: 80 capsules

Manufacturer: Tazzaka Group

Composition: Indica Azadirahta

MOH license: P. IRT No.. 313331105058

Certificate Halal MUI: ....
DAUN DEWA Obat Herbal Stroke,  tumor,  pembekuan darah,  penurun panas,  pendarahan,  keracunan - tazakka

Price : 35000

Price: 35.000/ botol

Contents: 80 capsules

Manufacturer: Tazzaka Group

Composition: Pluchea Indica

MOH license: P. IRT No.. 313331105058

Certificate Halal MUI: 163....
CEPLUKAN Obat Herbal Prostat,  tenggorokan,  batuk,  bronchitis,  godongan - tazakka

Price : 30000

Price: 30.000/ botol

Contents: 80 capsules

Manufacturer: Tazzaka Group

Composition: Physallis Peruviana

MOH license: P. IRT No.. 313331105058

Certificate Halal MUI: ....
CAKAR AYAM Obat HerbalPenurun panas,  kanker,  infeksi saluran nafas,  kencing,  pendarahan,  bengkak,  busung - tazakka

Price : 30000

Price: 30.000/ botol

Contents: 80 capsules

Manufacturer: Tazzaka Group

Composition: Sellaginelia Doerderleini

MOH license: P. IRT No.. 313331105058

BROTOWALI Obat Herbal Rematik,  demam,  penyakit kuning,  kencing manis - tazakka

Price : 30000

Price: 30.000/ botol

Contents: 80 capsules

Manufacturer: Tazzaka Group

Composition: Tinospora crispa

MOH license: P. IRT No.. 313331105058

Certificate Halal MUI: ....
BIJI PALA Obat Herbal Susah tidur,  parkinson,  memperpanjang waktu tidur - tazakka

Price : 30000

Price: 30.000/ botol

Contents: 80 capsules

Manufacturer: Tazzaka Group

Composition: Myristica Fragan

MOH license: P. IRT No.. 313331105058

Certificate Halal MUI: ....
BENALU TEA Obat Herbal Prostat,  antibiotik,  penghilang rasa sakit,  antitoksid - tazakka

Price : 40000

Price: 40.000/ botol

Contents: 60 capsules

Manufacturer: Tazzaka Group

Composition: Benalu Tea

MOH license: P. IRT No.. 313331105058

Certificate Halal MUI: 163 607....
ALANG-ALANG obat herbal Darah tinggi,  hepatitis,  kencing darah,  ginjal,  sakit kepala,  etc) - Tazakka

Price : 30000

Price: 30.000/ botol

Contents: 80 capsules

Manufacturer: Tazzaka Group

Composition: Roots Alang-Alang

MOH license: P. IRT No.. 313331105058

Certificate Halal MUI: ....
BENAHONG obat herbal Rematik,  asam urat,  etc - Tazakka

Price : 40000

Price: 40.000/ botol

Contents: 60 capsules

Manufacturer: Tazzaka Group

Ingredients: Herba Benahong

MOH license: P. IRT No.. 313331105058

Certificate Halal MUI: 163....
BELUNTAS obat herbal Pegal linu,  bau badan,  etc - Tazakka

Price : 30000

Price: 30.000/ botol

Contents: 80 capsules

Manufacturer: Tazzaka Group

Composition: Indica Pluchuea

MOH license: P. IRT No.. 313331105058

Certificate Halal MUI: 163....
ADAS obat herbal Sakit perut,  batuk,  nyeri haid,  hernia,  rematik,  keracunan,  etc - Tazakka

Price : 30000

Price: 30.000/ botol

Contents: 80 capsules

Manufacturer: Tazzaka Group

Composition: 100% Fennel ( Foeniculum Mill Vulgara)

MOH license: P. IRT No.. 313331105058

QP-11 Quantum Pendant Bio Energy

Price : 140000

Quantum Pendant Bio Energy

Health necklace that maintain ion balance energy in your body

Trendy and Cool used

Soul Energy Technology Quantum Pendant

QP-10 Quantum Pendant Bio Energy

Price : 140000

Quantum Pendant Bio Energy

Health necklace that maintain ion balance energy in your body

Trendy and Cool used

Soul Energy Technology Quantum Pendant

QP-9 Quantum Pendant Bio Energy

Price : 140000

Quantum Pendant Bio Energy

Health necklace that maintain ion balance energy in your body

Trendy and Cool used

Soul Energy Technology Quantum Pendant

QP-7 Quantum Pendant Bio Energy

Price : 140000

Quantum Pendant Bio Energy

Health necklace that maintain ion balance energy in your body

Trendy and Cool used

Soul Energy Technology Quantum Pendant

QP-6 Quantum Pendant Bio Energy

Price : 140000

Quantum Pendant Bio Energy

Health necklace that maintain ion balance energy in your body

Trendy and Cool used

Soul Energy Technology Quantum Pendant

QP-5 Quantum Pendant Bio Energy

Price : 130000

Quantum Pendant Bio Energy

Health necklace that maintain ion balance energy in your body

Trendy and Cool used

Soul Energy Technology Quantum Pendant

QP-4 Quantum Pendant Bio Energy

Price : 130000

Quantum Pendant Bio Energy

Health necklace that maintain ion balance energy in your body

Trendy and Cool used

Soul Energy Technology Quantum Pendant

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