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Toko Liman Yogyakarta

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Toko Liman Yogyakarta
Toko Liman Yogyakarta
Welcome to
Toko Liman Yogyakarta


Jogja Liman store is a located in the Jl. No. Malioboro. 47 Yogyakarta, this shop is very familiar to artisans, craftsmen, students and community Yogyakarta and Yogyakarta in general.

Stores ranging from Liman Jogja provide domestic purposes such as pillows, bolsters, mattresses, spring, foam, plastic carpets, woolen carpets, rugs, sponge, wallpaper, acrylic, linen and assorted gloves, pillows, bolsters, blankets, towel, raincoat, doormat, materials belts, shoes and bags, diy-accessories , styrofoam, cork, vinyl, dolls, tarpaulins, furing, car seat material, imitation leather, plastic, mica, dacron, tablecloths, baby waterproof, plastic cupboard, strimin.

Advertising materials such as Komatex, Komalite, Impraboard, Polyfoam, craft materials such as faux leather and others are all available complete here.

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