Load Cells

Type Weight Range Accuracy (FS) Apps Strength Weakness
Mechanical Load Cells
Hydraulic Load Cells Up to 10,000,000 lb 0.25% Tanks, bins and hoppers.
Hazardous areas. Takes high impacts,
insensitive to temperature. Expensive, complex.
Pneumatic Load Cells Wide High Food industry, hazardous areas Intrinsically safe.
Contains no fluids. Slow response.
Requires clean, dry air
Strain Gage Load Cells
Bending Beam Load Cells 10-5k lbs. 0.03% Tanks, platform scales, Low cost, simple construction Strain gages are exposed,
require protection
Shear Beam Load Cells 10-5k lbs. 0.03% Tanks, platform scales,
off- center loads High side load rejection, better
sealing and protection
Canister Load Cells to 500k lbs. 0.05% Truck, tank, track, and hopper scales Handles load movements No horizontal load protection
Ring and Pancake Load Cells 5- 500k lbs. Tanks, bins, scales All stainless steel No load movement allowed
Button and washer
Load Cells 0-50k lbs
0-200 lbs. typ. 1% Small scales Small, inexpensive Loads must be centered, no
load movement permitted
Other Load Cells
Helical 0-40k lbs. 0.2% Platform, forklift, wheel load,
automotive seat weight Handles off-axis loads,
overloads, shocks
Fiber optic 0.1% Electrical transmission
cables, stud or bolt mounts Immune to RFI/EMI and
high temps, intrinsically safe
resistive 0.03% Extremely sensitive, high
signal output level High cost, nonlinear output
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Contact Person: Adi Firo, Ibu Sri (08159072797,087883976262,081387428586,085883946322)
Address: Jl. Revolutionary Hero No. 22B.
Tel. 62-21-8611 131, 8611 259, 8611 444, 8611449
Fax: 62-21-8611 207.
EMAIL: sales@timbanganindonesia.com
Website: wwwtimbanganindonesia.com
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