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Company Brief
Tectonna Grandis is a moving company in the field of interior and located in Sleman, Yogyakarta.
Our company' s products are minimalist interior products , which include: Interior House ( Kitchen Set , Set Bet , Pantry , Mini Bar , Living Room, TV Room , Family Room , etc ) , Interior Office ( Office Work Desk , Space Metting , space Leadership , FO table , Cabinet Archives , etc. ) , and the products we make are customer orders , which includes housing , offices , banks , and institutions such as schools and universities .
Most consumers or buyers of our products are consumers around the city of Yogyakarta , and Klaten but many consumers from other regions such as Magelang , Solo, Boyolali , etc. , with the majority of the interior order , but many are also consumers of hotels , restaurants, resorts , offices and other companies for their projects .
Some intansi or companies that regularly we are: Gadjah Mada University ( UGM ) , SD Mutual alaternatif Magelang , Solo WanaArta , Yamaha ( boot workmanship and goods exhibition / launch in the island of Java ) , etc. .
System or the way we work is a way , if there are consumers or buyers who want to order our products , then we will come to check the location that will be doing the interior . Then from the results of measurements of the locations we will draw a 3D ( 3 -dimensional ) needs of the room and what items are needed by the buyer . then after the image conveyed to the buyer and the buyer have agreed to in doing , then we will begin the process of poduksi up at the location of the installation process .
Some of the materials we use include: Teakwood , multiplex , plywood , Duco , Megateak , etc. , and for finishing in 2 ways we use duco paint or coating depends on the order .