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Mrs. Rizky Ananda

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Phone number of Mrs. Rizky Ananda at bandung

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Mobile number of Mrs. Rizky Ananda at bandung


bandung, Jawa Barat

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Registration Date: Sep. 18, 2013   Last Updated: Apr. 22, 2014
Business Nature : Manufacturing of Health & Beauty category

Company Brief

SkinSolutionSkin Solution Beauty Care Indonesia is a company manufacturing contracts in the field of experienced cosmeceutical. Product development, manufacturing, packaging and distribution of skin care products for beauty and skin care industry professional private label.

We have developed our range of OEM products, such as hair care, slimming products, body care products, cosmetics and facial treatments. With the experience and expertise of a team of R & D that his experience in the field, we can continue to provide quality products, excellent customer Service and timely delivery.

We pursue excellence has enabled Indonesia to Skin Solution successfully venturing into Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Australia, India, Hong Kong, China, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Taiwan, the Philippines, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia.

Future plans for developing innovative technologies skin care Skin Solution that will put Indonesia as the global leader in the beauty industry in Asia and the world.

The history of Skin Solution Beauty Care Indonesia
Skin Solution Beauty Care Indonesia was established on January 1, 2012. The company originated from the industry with small scale and limited product range, then developed through product development and improvement management system.

Because of the consistency of the quality of our products, client requests are growing, especially the dermatologists who want cosmetics that doubles for treatment.

January 2012, to the establishment of Skin Beauty Care Indonesia Solution.
January 2013 and stabilization of product development management system.
May 2013 full Operational.
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