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  • PENGUAT SINYAL GSM SYBER Repeater and Booster SMA 238 Penguat for Telkomsel,  Indosat and pro XL


    [Mar. 6, 2011 23:40:39]

    Get a good price

    Indoor repeater is a fast, effective and cost-effective coverage method in mobile....

  • PENGUAT SINYAL GSM SYBER SMA-233 GSM CelL Phone Repeater and booster 900Mhz Penguat Sinyal GSM ( Telkomsel,  Indosat,  Pro XL)


    [Mar. 6, 2011 23:38:56]

    Promo for maret 2011

    SYBER SMA-233 Cell Phone wide band repeater and booster for GSM is receive and amplifies....

  • Syber GSM Repeater Booster SMA - 233A

    Syber GSM Repeater....

    [Sep. 23, 2010 4:24:25]

    promo price

    Syber Repeater Booster SMA - 233A is type of repeater have done. Speciall for indoor and....

  • Jammer HYJAM B2000 / Blocking Signal / Sinyal HP / Penghilang sinyal HP/ Selular/ Pengacak Sinyal

    Jammer HYJAM B2000 / ....

    [Sep. 23, 2010 4:22:36]

    Sale Price in January

    Hyjam B-2000 is blocking signal for CDMA, GSM. PHS, 3G in indoor area.

    Coverage area....

  • Syber Repeater and Booster SMA 888 Penguat sinyal HSDPA UMTS 3G All Operator

    Syber Repeater and....

    [Sep. 15, 2010 20:09:24]

    Call us to get a good price Promotion

    Syber Repeater and Booster SMA-888 specialist for 3G or 3.5G.
    With gain 50dBi and 45dBi....

  • Syber Repeater and Booster SMA 1000 Penguat sinyal HP Telkomsel,  Prop XL,  Indosat

    Syber Repeater and....

    [Sep. 15, 2010 20:08:38]

    call me

    Syber Repeater and Booster SMA-1000 Yl must be stonger and benefit to repeat signal from....

  • Syber sma-333 Repeater and Booster for CDMA 800Mhz Penguat sinyal CDMA Fleksi,  Fren,  Esia dan Star One

    Syber sma-333....

    [Aug. 4, 2010 23:13:56]

    Good Price good quality

    SYBER CDMA Repeater SMA-333 is device for increase your signal of CDMA cell phone for....

  • Repeater Booster SYBER SMA-233s Penguat sinyal GSM dengan aoutomatic interferen cancelation

    Repeater Booster....

    [Jun. 20, 2010 6:04:10]

    call us to get info special price


    SYBER repeater booster SMA-233S is a kind of booster to get device a signal indoor....

  • SYBER WIFI TJ-2400-33 Penguat Sinyal / Booster WIFI WLAN 2.4GHz

    SYBER WIFI TJ-2400....

    [Apr. 22, 2010 3:22:14]

    Promo Price

    Type Booster / WIFI signal booster TJ-2400-33 is a signal amplifier to strengthen signal....

  • SYBER CDMA Repeater Booster SMA 039

    SYBER CDMA Repeater....

    [Nov. 23, 2009 5:31:32]

    Call us more detail price

    Repeater Bosster Syber SMA 039 for CDMA 800 Mhz for small covarage area around 4 -10m2.

  • GSM Fax/Facsimili 900MHz/1800MHz,  Wireless and fix type

    GSM Fax/ Facsimili....

    [Aug. 10, 2009 21:16:25]

    Promo at August, call us ASAP

    TOEC-2218, Itâ € ™ s a Wireless/ wire Facsimile that bases on GSM in wireless and on PSTN in....

  • Repeater Booster SMA - 533 - Selective Band

    Repeater Booster SMA....

    [Aug. 2, 2009 23:07:37]

    please to calling us

    Booster and repeater for selective frequency on 1900 Mhz.

    Spesifications techical : ....

  • Syber GSM 900MHz Parabolic Antenna

    Syber GSM 900MHz....

    [Jul. 15, 2009 0:27:11]

    Call us to get good price

    Syber GSM 900MHz Parabolic Antenna is type of outdoor antenna with main of function is....

  • Hyjam B100PA / Portable jammer/ handy - Penghilang/pengacak sinyal HP/sellular ringan

    Hyjam B100PA / ....

    [Jul. 2, 2009 1:32:41]

    call us

    Hyjam B100PA is portable jammer, that can used very simple for mobile work at avery state....

  • Square Grid WLAN 2.4Ghz

    Square Grid WLAN 2....

    [Jul. 2, 2009 1:25:30]

    Call us to get a good price

    Square Grid Parabolic Antenna for WLAN wifi 2.4 Ghz. Make our connecting more easier with....

  • Syber SMA-234 Cell Phone Repeater and Booster / Penguat dan pengulang sinyal selular HP Telkomsel Indosat dan Pro XL

    Syber SMA-234 Cell....

    [Feb. 13, 2009 22:05:45]

    call us / FOB Surabaya

    Syber Cell Phone Repeater and Booster SMA - 234 main device to increase input of signal....

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