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  • PENGUAT SINYAL GSM SYBER Repeater and Booster SMA 238 Penguat for Telkomsel,  Indosat and pro XL


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    Indoor repeater is a fast, effective and cost-effective coverage method in mobile communications network. It can expand coverage area and eliminate weak spots. Base line will be....

  • PENGUAT SINYAL GSM SYBER SMA-233 GSM CelL Phone Repeater and booster 900Mhz Penguat Sinyal GSM ( Telkomsel,  Indosat,  Pro XL)


    Promo for maret 2011

    SYBER SMA-233 Cell Phone wide band repeater and booster for GSM is receive and amplifies BTS signal by service antenna so will improve the quality of network communications.


  • Syber GSM Repeater Booster SMA - 233A

    Syber GSM Repeater....

    promo price

    Syber Repeater Booster SMA - 233A is type of repeater have done. Speciall for indoor and usefull to increase your signal with input signal to weak from outside.
    Covarage area for....

  • Jammer HYJAM B2000 / Blocking Signal / Sinyal HP / Penghilang sinyal HP/ Selular/ Pengacak Sinyal

    Jammer HYJAM B2000 / ....

    Sale Price in January

    Hyjam B-2000 is blocking signal for CDMA, GSM. PHS, 3G in indoor area.

    Coverage area for Hyjam B-2000 : 4 - 1000 m2, depend signal from BTS around location.


  • Syber Repeater and Booster SMA 888 Penguat sinyal HSDPA UMTS 3G All Operator

    Syber Repeater and....

    Call us to get a good price Promotion

    Syber Repeater and Booster SMA-888 specialist for 3G or 3.5G.
    With gain 50dBi and 45dBi make user more quickly to get signal from network.

    Very usefull for customers need....

  • Syber Repeater and Booster SMA 1000 Penguat sinyal HP Telkomsel,  Prop XL,  Indosat

    Syber Repeater and....

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    Syber Repeater and Booster SMA-1000 Yl must be stonger and benefit to repeat signal from BTS with gain 75 dBi, and more spesific to use in large area, coverage 10x10m2 - 30m2x30m2....

  • Syber sma-333 Repeater and Booster for CDMA 800Mhz Penguat sinyal CDMA Fleksi,  Fren,  Esia dan Star One

    Syber sma-333....

    Good Price good quality

    SYBER CDMA Repeater SMA-333 is device for increase your signal of CDMA cell phone for indoor area.
    It is compact device and very easy to instal, with coverage area 100m2-300m2, ....

  • Repeater Booster SYBER SMA-233s Penguat sinyal GSM dengan aoutomatic interferen cancelation

    Repeater Booster....

    call us to get info special price


    SYBER repeater booster SMA-233S is a kind of booster to get device a signal indoor. More large covarage than SMA-233s but need good input signal

    For detail info , please....

  • SYBER WIFI TJ-2400-33 Penguat Sinyal / Booster WIFI WLAN 2.4GHz

    SYBER WIFI TJ-2400....

    Promo Price

    Type Booster / WIFI signal booster TJ-2400-33 is a signal amplifier to strengthen signal for use Indoor WIFI, when used outdoors it must be added to the box cover of anti-water, ....

  • SYBER CDMA Repeater Booster SMA 039

    SYBER CDMA Repeater....

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    Repeater Bosster Syber SMA 039 for CDMA 800 Mhz for small covarage area around 4 -10m2.
    Usefull for small office or small area you need to incrase signal from BTS to your mobile....

  • GSM Fax/Facsimili 900MHz/1800MHz,  Wireless and fix type

    GSM Fax/ Facsimili....

    Promo at August, call us ASAP

    TOEC-2218, Itâ € ™ s a Wireless/ wire Facsimile that bases on GSM in wireless and on PSTN in wire for fax and phone.
    If using this unit, we need only using chip of GSM and need to....

  • Repeater Booster SMA - 533 - Selective Band

    Repeater Booster SMA....

    please to calling us

    Booster and repeater for selective frequency on 1900 Mhz.

    Spesifications techical :
    Frequency Uplink 1950^ 1955MHz
    Downlink 2140^ 2145MHz
    Max. Gain Uplink Gpe65dB

  • Syber GSM 900MHz Parabolic Antenna

    Syber GSM 900MHz....

    Call us to get good price

    Syber GSM 900MHz Parabolic Antenna is type of outdoor antenna with main of function is catching signal from BTS with distance more than 30 Km.

    Espesially for plantation, forest, ....

  • Hyjam B100PA / Portable jammer/ handy - Penghilang/pengacak sinyal HP/sellular ringan

    Hyjam B100PA / ....

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    Hyjam B100PA is portable jammer, that can used very simple for mobile work at avery state, cause design of this type to unique. With weight around 300gr, include 3 internall....

  • Square Grid WLAN 2.4Ghz

    Square Grid WLAN 2....

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    Square Grid Parabolic Antenna for WLAN wifi 2.4 Ghz. Make our connecting more easier with our friend in others office.

    With long distance 40km with free hindrans.


  • Syber SMA-234 Cell Phone Repeater and Booster / Penguat dan pengulang sinyal selular HP Telkomsel Indosat dan Pro XL

    Syber SMA-234 Cell....

    call us / FOB Surabaya

    Syber Cell Phone Repeater and Booster SMA - 234 main device to increase input of signal for mobile phone on frequency GSM 900Mhz, make call drop decrease, radiasion of....

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