PENDAHULUAN Salam Kenal, PT. Kharismapratama .... fibre, tankos, press fiber, press fibre, kecambah, pupuk, bibit, tandan kosong, janjangan, janjang kosong, tandan buah segar, PPKS, penelitian....
K-LINK Bioboost merupakan pupuk hayati yang mengandung mikroorganisme tanah yang unggul, bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kesuburan tanah sebagai hasil proses biokimia tanah. Kombinasi penggunaan K-LINK....
Saya adalah seorang Distributor Produk K-Link, yang berhak mendistribusikan seluruh produk K-link, di 5 benua/ lebih dari 46 negara https: / / watch? v= zQuuWwbjaZM
Liquid Fertilizer - SuperZyme SuperZyme Liquid Fertilizer - A Mandatory Natural Organic Fertilizer for Ponds SuperZyme is a complete organic fertilizer that is proven to increase mariculture....
One Stop Aquaculture Shop! Aqua Life provides a range of Veterinary supplies, Natural Zeolite, Animal feed additives, Aeration & Test Kit equipment. Basically, one stop shop for marine industry!
Greenstar is a breakthrough of modern technology ( organic fertilizer in powder form) . Greenstar made of pure ingredients - natural products containing complete berkualitas.GREENSTAR macro and micro....
Disini saya memperkenalkan hasil budidaya masyarakat kelurahan dolok menampang kab serdang bedagai yang di pelopori oleh pak M. Saragih. Dimana jenis ubi ini adalah hasil persilangan antara ubi....
A non-governmental organizations emerging village.
We supply dolomite rock in large quantity. Dolomite rock is A white or light-colored mineral, used in fertilizer, as a furnace refractory, and as a construction and ceramic material.
CV. Mulia Agro Pratama, mainly dealing with worlwide for agribusiness, fertilizer and animal feed, supplying raw material for organic fertilizer, also mushroom cultivating bed. Now we are supplying....
Gramafix ® Ornamental Flowers as a fertilizer special for of kind flowers fertilizing needed. The group of flowers are like rose, jasmin, etc. Its contain complete nutrient such as macro nutrient ( N....
Act as marketing agent North Sumatra, we located in Asahan. PT.Cipta Visi Sinar Kencana ( CVSK) as a company that carries various environmentally friendly products. In the category of complete....
PLANTING ORGANIC MEDIA! ! ! Cocopeat is made from 100% coconut fiber that is processed with modern technology, produces organic growing media has its advantages: * High water absorption....
GREETINGS SUCCESS WE ARE MOVING COMPANY IN THE FIELD OF AGRICULTURE, MINING, AND SERVICES Do you agree that people who succeed are those who can make the people around him successful?
Granular Organic Fertilizer with good quality in helping you obtain maximum results for your agriculture or palm plantations.
Ones of the distributor for chemical and organic fertilizer and some of plantation tools included herbiside , Harvesting , pole with RADOS Brand Top Quality , seed trading , etc , in medan - north....
Pupuk kieserit dgn kadar MgO > 34 % , larut dalam air, kandungan logam minimal, warna coklat tua sangat cocok untuk tanaman keras seperti perkebunan kelapa sawit.
Efforts to increase production and quality of palm fruit is affected by the nutrient content in plants. High or low nutrient content will determine the optimum level of growth and crop production. To....
Indonesia is often experienced shortages of fertilizer ( urea) which is produced in spite of state-owned enterprise ( Pusri, Kaltim Fertilizer, Fertilizer Kujang, etc.) in the country, while other....
Increased agricultural production can be achieved through appropriate technology approach, among others, by applying a balanced fertilizer technology specific location. Currently, the recommended....
Fertilizer is a material that is added to the growing media or plant to meet nutrient requirements ( which generally is not enough just to rely on its availability in the soil for plants above) .....
The bulk of municipal waste is biodegradable organic matter ( 60-75% ) coming from the kitchen and yard. This kind of waste if allowed or too late will be processed in anaerobic odor due process....
In the category of material of organic fertilizer ( compost) , CVSK has successfully engineer the compost microbial activators Green Phoskko ® , bulking materials and machinery equipment-scale....
Composting is the process whereby organic material having decomposition is biologically, by microbes that utilize organic matter ( C) as an energy source. Making compost is to regulate and control....
Ababil, CV as a marketing agent of fertilizer such as NPK, Complete or Complex fertilizer, compost and compost fermentor especially for Gramalet formula flexible fertilizer. Gramalet fertilizer as....