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Mr. B Hasibuan [Marketing]


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Phone number of Mr. B Hasibuan at Labuan Batu

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Jl. Kampung Baru Perumahan Wira Asri Blok II No 7 Rantau Prapat
Labuan Batu 21411, Sumatera Utara

Kantor Pusat Jl Pungkur No 115 Bandung, T.Kontak 022 4262253, HP. 0811208648- 81572527115
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Mineral Dekomposer Sampah Organik ( GP-2)[Nov. 9, 2010 19:36:14]
PriceRp 35.000,- (Loco Bandung)
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodCashier Order
QuantityKemasan Plastik Per 7 kg
Pack. & DeliveryPlastic PE 1 mm
Composting is the process whereby organic material having decomposition is biologically, by microbes that utilize organic matter ( C) as an energy source. Making compost is to regulate and control the natural processes so that the compost can be formed more quickly. This process involves making a balanced mix of materials, provision of adequate water, mengaturan aeration, composting and the addition of activators.

This engineering process includes the preparation conditions of an ideal mixture of raw materials ( CN ratio = 30 / 1 to 40 / 1) , provision of adequate water, setting the intensity of aeration ( oxygen availability) and the addition of the bacterial population of decomposition in composting.

Bulking Agent Green Phoskko ® [ GP-2] is a mineral materials and energy for the enrichment ( enrichment) of nutrients, functioning as a mixture of raw materials ( repair C / N ratio) of compost material in the garbage and solid waste decomposition. Easing penggemburan, increasing the porosity to increase the intensity of aeration ( for the continuity of decomposition in aerobic) , maintaining temperature and humidity for the ongoing process of solid waste ( solid waste) . Bulking Agent is composed of various minerals with the particular composition.
Mix until evenly into the garbage that is every part of the garbage and organic waste bulking powders exposed to this. With more and more uneven and inadequate, the faster the decomposition process, the content of compost will be better and free from bad smell due to the output of methane ( CH4) . Bulking Green Phoskko ® [ GP-2] is safe to hold hands / exposed skin.
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The end result of composting is a much-needed materials for the benefit of agricultural lands in Indonesia, as an effort to improve the properties of chemistry, physics and biology of soil, so that crop production would be higher. The compost produced from waste composting can be used to strengthen the critical land structure, menggemburkan return of agricultural land, land re menggemburkan petamanan, as rubbish in landfill cover material, post-mining eklamasi coast, and as a medium of plants, and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers.
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