we have molasses for industries from west java and central java, and we have from sugar rafine from cilegon, Banten
We have molasses ( sugar ceng) from sugar factori in west java and central java, and we have from sugar rafine in cilegon, Banten
function: to make fertilizer granules Specifications: Diameter: 3000 mm Mover: Diesel 8 pk
7-7-7 NPK fertilizer npk Super Marine is a nutrient medium with red, affordable and suitable for agriculture and plantations
Provides a wide range of fertilizers for plantation and agriculture, among others: - Urea ( nonsubsidized) - Organic Fertilizer granules - NPK - Liquid Organic Fertilizer - SP - thickener....
Blotong is the result of solid waste from the production process of sugar manufacture, and is widely used as raw material for organic fertilizer Our blotong specifications are: - Moisture....
We receive the need of fertilizer, such as blotong ( Waste of Sugar Factory) , Kotoran sapi/ KS/ KOHE/ Teletong ( Waste of Cow) .
kami mencari, siapa saja yang mau jadi distributor produk kami, dgn syarat pengambilan 1.dlm propinsi/ luar propinsi, tp satu pulau, mnml pengambilan 300ktk 2.untk ke luar pulau, pengambilan....
We sell the raw material of organic fertilizer from the pulp of Jatropha curcas ( seedcake)
Our health rice was produced/ processed with bio fertilizer Mig-6 Plus which is riched of growth hormone and has standard laboratory test ( Sucofindo) it has no pesticide or other chemical things....
We are working on agriculture focused in biological fertilizer company. we had established our company under licensed of DEPTAN RI by the name of " Migro-6 Plus" ( L168/ HAYATI/ PPI/ VII/ 2008) , and....
Formula : H2SO4 Min 98% Application : Silica industri, textile, treatment industri, Leather industri, metal industri, accu, etc if you interest, call me soon. than' s
If you want urgent chemical product like: 1 .... Asam Klorida 10.Kapur 11.Dolomit 12.Phospate Trok 13.Pupuk Organik ( Granul) 14.Granul Gypsum 15.Pestisida 16.Resin 17.garam 18.Caustis Soda 19.etc we....
Biophoskko ® Electrical Compost Bin created to fulfill hobbies desire of crop, and flower of environmental lovers - which have exasperation, desire and caring process organic garbage ( material....
Demak Lantern Indonesia ( DLI BDS) is the marketing agency in Central Java of various products from the principal manufacturer PT.Cipta Visi SINAR KENCANA ( CVSK) . Currently CVSK have businesses in....
There are two item ' Bio subur' Bio Subur 1 for Fertilizer and Natural pesticide. Bio Subur 2 for fish and home animal like cow, ship.
Produce and Supplier organic fertilizer, Supplier organic rice.
o) Increased agricultural production can be achieved through appropriate technology approach, among others, by applying a balanced fertilizer technology specific location. Currently, the....
Every day, thousands of tons of organic material in the form of food produced in rural farms and gardens were sent to the city for public consumption. Consumption pattern and level of post-harvest....
Pupuk kieserit dgn kadar MgO > 34 % , larut dalam air, kandungan logam minimal, warna coklat tua sangat cocok untuk tanaman keras seperti perkebunan kelapa sawit.
Liquid Compost Gramafert  ® is a fluid produced in the composting process ( decomposition) in aerobic ( aeration maximum) in the Biophosko ® composter using Green Phoskko ® ( GP-1) activator ( ....
Realizing that the future of chemical fertilizers ( inorganic) as a non-renewable ( unrenewable) natural materials will be increasingly reduced availability or even less balanced with the needs of....
Integrated fertilization in plants including rice paddy fields on the combination of organic and inorganic nutrient inputs at once. The objective is the attainment of integrated fertilizer rice....
Making agriculture ( in the broad sense) as the main business field, since 1994, CVSK working on introducing technology agricultural fertilizer compound fertilizer industry through flexible formula....
Coffee is an export commodity that was encouraging because it has relatively high economic value in domestic and world market, hence the coffee plant is one of the leading commodity. Indonesia became....
Technology tablets and mixing ( granulation compound) is useful in supporting local programs of fertilizer which is based on the specific conditions of appropriate soil fertility conditions and soil....