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 Sell:Pemupukan Terpadu Padi Sawah [ Rice Paddy Fertilizer ]  Sell:Pemupukan Tanaman Karet ( Hevea brasiliensis)  Sell:Mesin Pengolahan Sampah ( Compost Machine) RKM 1000 L  Sell:Komposter Biophosko® [ Hand Rotary ]  Sell:Mesin Pengolahan Sampah ( Compost Machine) RKE 1000 L  Sell:Mesin Pengolahan Sampah ( Compost Machine) RKE 2000 L  Sell:Komposter Biophoskko® Compost Bin [ L]  Sell:Komposter Biophoskko Compost Bin [ M]  Sell:Komposter Biophosko® Compost Bin [ S]  Sell:Kompos Green Phoskko® ( GP 3) Organic Fertilizer  Sell:Komposter Elektrik Biophoskko® KE 100L  Sell:Pupuk ( 60 Pack) Gramafix® Buah [ Fruits Fertilizer]  Sell:Pupuk ( 60 Pack ) Gramafix® Sayuran Biji [ Beans Vegetable Fertilizer]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Cengkeh [ Clove Fertilizer]  Sell:Aktivator ( Compost Activator ) Green Phoskko® ( GP 1)  Sell:Mineral Penggembur ( Bulking Agent ) Green Phoskko® [ GP 2]  Sell:Gramafix® Kelapa Sawit [ Palm Oil Fertilizer ]  Sell:Pupuk Tablet Gramalet® Compound Fertilizer Flexible Formula  Products Catalog:Gramafix® Pupuk Formula Spesifik Tanaman  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Mente [ Fertilizer for Cashew]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Jagung [ Fertilizer For Corn ]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Tanaman Hias [Ornamental Plant]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Kakao [ Cocoa Fertilizer]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Kopi [Coffee Fertilizer] 
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Jl. Sudirman, Komp Sudirman Agung Blok F4 No 3A
Denpasar, Bali

Kantor Pusat Jl Pungkur No 115 Bandung, T.Kontak 022 4262253, HP. 0811208648- 81572527115
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Pemupukan Terpadu Padi Sawah [ Rice Paddy Fertilizer ][Nov. 16, 2010 20:18:24]
PricePM ( Pro Memory )
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order
Quantity@ 20 kg per karton D/W K 200 ( 360x355x263 ) mm (outer packing)
Pack. & DeliveryInner Packing, plastic PE 1 mm @ 5 kg
Integrated fertilization in plants including rice paddy fields on the combination of organic and inorganic nutrient inputs at once. The objective is the attainment of integrated fertilizer rice productivity as the ability to genetics while maintaining soil organic content in the long term. Known, as according to the Center of Bogor Agricultural Land Resources Research ( 2008) , 73% of agricultural land Indonesian low organic matter content ( between 0.6 to 2% ) , 23% moderate ( 2-3% soil organic matter) , and only 4 % of the total land area is classified as having high organic matter ( over 4% ) . This condition is not favorable for agricultural land in tropical areas are buffeted by high rainfall.
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Gramafix® Rice is a compound fertilizer formulating specific rice crops. This formula helps the farmer customers get a variety of fertilizer nutrients as well. With full content covering the primary macro nutrients ( N, P, K) , secondary nutrient ( Mg, S, Ca) and micro essential nutrient ( Fe, B, Bo, Mn, Zn, Cl) and presented in the form of tablets and 3 grams, one ha of rice fields as an example of research-as recommendations Rice Research Institute ( Balitpadi) Sukamandi-just need a dose of fertilizer Gramafix ® Rice 120 kg - 160 kg per season. This formula is registered in the Ministry of Agriculture Decree No: T 903 / BSP / II / 2003.

How application is to immerse 3 grams of fertilizer Gramafix® Rice ( 1 item @ 3 g) among / in the midst of four clumps of rice, at a depth of about 5 cm from soil surface. Aplicator Use of urea tablets, for example, also can help speed immersion. Application doses of 3 grams Gramafix Rice in every 4 families do not exceed specified dosages. way, skip the one between 4 clumps, namely laterally left and right as well to the front and rear. Wetland in a state of minimal watering and fertilizing at the time ( 3-14) , DAT ( Days After Planting) is recommended.

In maize plants, the way an application is to immerse one grain of fertilizer Gramafix® Rice @ 3 grams next to the left and right base of the stem Corn plants at a depth of about 5 cm from soil surface. Time of fertilization ( 0-7) , DAT ( days after planting) . It is best when added organic compost fertilizer Green Phosko® .
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Utilization of organic Green Phosko® compost in combination with inorganic fertilizers, the cultivation system, including rice cultivation, we know the organic material has a multi-benefit. Besides rice productivity, integrated fertilizer will provide a minimum of eight major functions of soil organic matter, namely:

( 1) as a provider and nutrient reserves of N, P, K, S and micro nutrients for plants;

( 2) raise the value of cation exchange ( CEC) ;

( 3) provides food for soil microbes;

( 4) increase the water storing capacity of the soil;

( 5) improving soil structure;

( 6) increase the holding capacity soil aggregation;

( 7) prevent the effects of compression / compaction, soil;

( 8) as a buffer ( buffer) to changes in acid, alkaline or salinity.

Versatility is interactive, which had a positive impact on fertility of physical, biological and chemical agricultural land * )
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