NetRockey4[Feb. 1, 2010 23:15:52]
Is it complicated or a hastle to distribute many dongles for every sold licenses? For earlier technology every license must be protected with one dongle. But how about if there is a dongle that can protect more than 1 license? And how about if I tell you that the amount of licenses that this dongle can protect is UNLIMITED? Interesting? Must be...
Dongle with such ability is NetRockey4. Other dongle brands which have similar version like this always have 1 weakness, the amount of protectable is limited and the price various depends on the licenses limit that can protected. And only Netrockey that offers unlimited licenses protection.
NetRockey4 is build based on the standard of Rockey4. So whatever Rockey4 can do, then NetRockey4 will also be able to do. But there' s an improvement in network side which enable NetRockey4 to support more than 1 license unlike Rockey4. NetRockey4 support advanced client-server technology that base on TCP/ IP, UDP, NetBIOS, and IPX Networks. So how it works is by plugging NetRockey4 in the LAN server. And then each computer client will be installed with the licensed software. Every computers attach to LAN can search for the NetRockey4. After it is detected, NetRockey4 will determined whether that computer has the right to use the software or not. If approved then that computer and other approved computers can run the software all together without the possibilty of a system crash. The determination policy can be done by software developer while integrating his software with NetRockey4. Of course we provide a tools to do that. So developer can do it easier.
The most attractive advantage for software developers using NetRockey4 else than software being well protected is the advantage in selling the software based on customer requests. So for example there' s a customer decide to buy 5 licenses today, so he got 5 licenses and only 1 NetRockey4 dongle. And by the time goes, next month he decide to upgrade to 10 licenses. So customer should pay for extra 5 more licenses to software developer, while software developer is actually only need to change the setting on NetRockey4 a little bit to add 5 more licenses to approved. Simple, easy, efficient, and profitable for software developer. Am I right?
To get more information please visit our website http: / / or contact us directly. Thank you for your time and your interest. Have a nice day.