PT SecureMetric Technology
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PT SecureMetric Technology
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BioPass3000[Feb. 1, 2010 23:15:07]
PriceUSD115 and lesser (Depends on Quantity)
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Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T)
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1. Driverless USB Device which make us to whatever device it is easier, faster, and better.
2. Smart Card Technology that can make use of smart card to a multifunctions device.
3. Smart Card Reader which use to read, write, and detect a Smart Card.
4. ePass Technology use for replacing authentication system from traditional to super advanced.
5. Fingerprint Scanner use to authenticate a user into a system or whatever it is.
6. Thermal Scanner use to scan someone' s specific body heat.

With a state of the art technology, Softkey introduce to the world a new technology that combine all those above technologies into a very small device but yet super powerful. The Device is BioPass3000.

BioPass3000 is an advanced and much more sophisticated evolution from our previous technology, ePass. Compare to ePass which offers 2 Factors Authentication, BioPass3000 offers 3 Factors Authentication. Actually 2 Factors Authentication is very good already. The comparison with other authentication technology else than ePass can be said as traditional or 1 Factor Authentication, which only use User Name and Password to authenticate. System such as this is very easy to hack, probably you already done it before. 2 Factors Authentication adds ePass Token above User Name and Password to do authentication process. So the system have a lot better security and save from hacking threats. Because ePass Token contains Digital Signature and also multiple level encryption to secure it. With 3 Factors Authentication, BioPass3000 adds fingerprint on top of User Name + Password and ePass Token for the authentican process.

Fingerprint has been known as the most unique and there is no exactly the same fingerprint in the world. Our fingerprints are unique and no one in the world have the same like us. There are many authentication system use fingerprint as the key. As for example we can see in some of the big Banks use fingerprint to verify the access to certain room or to deposit box. But there is still a weakness on this security. As for using a trick to make artificial fingerprint using a type of silicone than the scanner will authenticate it as the correct fingerprint. Or using a picture of fingerprint on a piece of paper, sometimes low quality fingerprint will also authenticate it as the original fingerprint. Therefore with many weakenesses we still can see in current Fingerprint Scanner available in the market, we develop a Fingerprint Scanner which is better and saver. That is Fingerprint Scanner + Thermal Scanner which scan body heat too. Everyone of us either in healthy condition or sick have a unique body heat signaturefrom others. And with body heat scanning can produce an image that similar to 3D image. With combination of Themal Scanner with Fingerprint Scanner then fake fingerprint using silicone, latex, image scan, etc will not be able to use as authentication. Or even the finger which has been cut from the owner. So we can conlclude how superior the security of BioPass3000 is.

ePass Technology has been proven to give ultra save protection and been use to even to an industry that need a very high security which is Banking. There are many Banks in the world use ePass as the authentication device and technology for their Internet Banking Users or even for internal office inside the Banks. Which means this technology has been proven and trusted. And even with combination of fingerprint scanner that is also use by Banks. With ePass that also built in with fingerprint scanner so the level of security that offers by BioPass3000 is already trustworthy to protect the authentication process for any industry, software, application, which already exist or will exist.

To get more information please visit our website http: / / prod_ePass.php/ or contact us directly. Thank you for your time and your interest. Have a nice day.
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